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没有标签?No label?

这些标签!The tags!

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创建标签。Create labels.

阅读食品标签。Read food labels.

一个标签处理函数类。A tag handler class.

我掉了认领标签了。I lost my claim tag.

诊断我,标签我。Diagnosing me labels me.

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标签搜索引擎。Doobie search engine tag.

赵明已经习惯了这些标签。He is used to the labels.

耙标签粘铁在你的手提箱上。Stick a on your suitcase.

这就是食品标签的第一部分So that's part number one.

线缆位置和标签。Cable locations and labels.

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然后选择这个类型标签。Then choose the type label.

那么删除日期标签。Then remove the date stamp.

在编辑器窗口中的折叠标签。Foldout in an Editor Window.

它所有的标签都是正确的。It had all the right labels.

请您把行李标签系上可以吗?。Hand-baggage is not included.

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请给包裹打上标签。Plase attach label to parcel.

我们喜欢在蒙特利尔放标签。We'd love to tag in Monterey.

内门襟上的品牌标签。Brand label on inside placket.