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美国在朝鲜和越南战争中都钟使用生物武器。US in North Korean and in Vietnam War clock use biological weapon.

生物武器也是一样,很难追踪到肇事者,这都是广为人知的。bioweapons, too, are famously difficult to trace back to a perpetrator.

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第四,妥善处理调查指称使用生物武器问题。IV. Properly address investigation of alleged use of biological weapons.

示威者一直威胁下一步将使用其所谓的“生物武器”。Activists have threatened to resort next to what they call 'biological weapons.'

研制生物武器需要深谙此道的科学家,使用最先进的装置。Biological weapons require skilled scientists working in state-of-the-art facilities.

自911事件以来,对于肩射飞弹及生物武器等攻击行动的恐惧不断增高。Since 911, fears of shoulder-fired missile2 and biological weapon attacks have increased.

“没有一个精明的生物武器使用者会给你那个机会,”他警告说。"No shrewd user" of a biological weapon "is going to give you that opportunity," he warned.

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“没有一个精明的生物武器使用者会给你那个机会,”他警告说。"No shrewd user" of a biological weapon "is going to give you that opportunity, " he warned.

这项政策也适用于化学和生物武器攻击,但有一些保留。That policy includes instances of chemical and biological attack, but with some reservations.

过去一个早熟的高中生就能制造生物武器,现在有套装的实验包,又有自动的DNA合成仪,高中工友就能做了。Today, with the help of prepackaged kits and automated DNA synthesizers, the high school janitor can do it.

随即,一场关于这种信息会不会有助于制造生物武器的争论出现了。Immediately, a debate began about whether this information could be used to help create a biological weapon.

美国希望,以防止石井的知识从生物武器落入苏联手中。The US wants to prevent Ishii's knowledge of biological weapons from falling into the hands of the Soviet Union.

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据以前的官员说,细菌培养菌可以用来制造生物武器,包括炭疽。According to former officials, the bacteria cultures could be used to make biological weapons, including anthrax.

其他国家,包括美国和俄罗斯,都在争取通过研究天花病毒,获得更多的回报,并很有可能变成生物武器。Others, including the US and Russia, argue for more research in case smallpox returns, possibly as a biological weapon.

生物武器虽然令人闻风丧胆,但还没有任何国家或恐怖团体,用它们来杀害成千上万的人。Although biological weapons are horrifying, no country or terrorist group has yet wielded them to kill thousands of people.

帝国把布莱索病当成一种生物武器,用于对付同情起义军的星球。安杜薇尔对此展开了积极的调查。Anduvil was actively investigating the Imperial use of Bledsoe's Disease as a biological weapon against Rebel-leaning worlds.

他们如果有化学武器、生物武器、放射性武器,或是几率更小的核武器,种种可怕的武器,毋庸置疑,只要有,他们就会使用。If it had chemical, biological or radiological weapons or, less likely, nuclear ones-all big “ifs”, admittedly-it would use them.

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如果计算机捕捉到可能发生的情况,比如一名乘客携带脏弹或生物武器,一系列动作将随之启动。If the computer picks up on a possible situation – say, a passenger has a dirty bomb or a bioweapon – a series of actions will occur.

查明了"基地"组织生物武器项目的关键成员,其中包括一个研制可用于恐怖主义袭击的炭疽病菌的团伙。Uncover key operatives in al-Qaida’s biological weapons program, including a cell developing anthrax to be used in terrorist attacks.

我们也许会说它可能被滥用,被用作新一代生物武器或被应用于其他有害方面。We might say that there is the potential for misuse, for a new generation of biological weapons or other kinds of harmful applications.