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我会把这里给夷为平地。I'll raze this place to hell!

斯巴达将被战火夷为平地!Spart will burn to the ground.

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地震把全城夷为平地。The earth-quake laid the city flat.

1974年达尔文被热带气旋特蕾西夷为平地。In 1974 Darwin was devastated by Cyclone Tracy.

强震把这个都市夷为平地。The earthquake do the country raze to the ground.

他的家乡在战争中被夷为平地。His hometown was razed to the ground during the war.

撞击的声音,看着我混乱的表现,把一切夷为平地。Hittin sound, watch me act bugged, and tear it down.

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泥石流将舟曲三个村庄夷为平地。A wall of mud flattened three villages in Zhouqu County.

不多暂我们便瞅睹不少村庄整个夷为平地。Soon we were seeing whole villages that had been flattened.

新营糖厂内已遭夷为平地的房舍。The building has been torn down in Hsin-Ying Sugar Factory.

但是,自从我见到你,我心中的这堵高墙就被你夷为平地了。C-But, since I met you, Sylvia. You have torn down my walls.

来一场海啸把他们的小沙堡夷为平地。They need a big tsunami to take out their little sand forts.

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桥梁、铁路、房屋、工厂完全夷为平地。Bridges, railroads, homes, factories were completely leveled.

才建造了10年或15年就被夷为平地的“建拆物”时或有闻。It is not unheard of for buildings to be razed after 10 or 15 years.

所有的帐户都是被夷为平地谁是我们的员工经验丰富的游戏玩家。All accounts are leveled by our employees who are veteran game players.

科洛桑的表面在战火中被大片大片地夷为平地。Vast stretches of Coruscant's surface were laid to waste in the battle.

许多位于意大利中部地区的村庄被夷为平地。Some villages nearby in the central Italian region were all but flattened.

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这次地震如此可怕,整个城镇都被夷为平地。So terrible was the earthquake that the whole town was completely destroyed.

有被夷为平地的房屋、没了墙壁和屋顶的公寓大楼。There are flattened houses, and apartment buildings without walls and roofs.

我们从人类手中夺取了艾泽拉斯的土地,并将我们看见的一切夷为平地。We took the lands of Azeroth from the Humans and razed all that we surveyed.