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残渣被搅起。The dregs are stirred up.

但是,把咖啡残渣变废为宝的想法可能还是能使你为之一振吧!Still, it's an idea that could perk you up.

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残渣通便效果稳定。The purgative effect of residues was steady.

孩子们争夺着巴在锅底儿上的那点残渣。Children fighting for the scrapings of the pot.

清除硬水中的矿物质和残渣。Eliminates hard water mineral and scale residue.

公侯,愚钝世系的残渣们。Princes, the dregs of their dull race, who flow.

那些燃料的残渣还可以持续加热24小时之久!Those briquettes retain heat for up to 24 hours!

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适合犹太教,无乳糖,无麸质和低残渣。Kosher, lactose-free, gluten-free and low residue.

不会产生防碍机器运作的残渣。No fluid residue formed to affect machine operation.

细菌附着在牙缝中的食物残渣上,导致蛀牙。Bacteria sticks to food debris in the teeth, causing decay.

这是种渣酿白兰地酒,由葡萄或苹果残渣酿成的白兰地。This is a kind of brandy distilled from grape or apple residue.

后果,恋爱只是炊火,一倏的绚烂,换来遍地的残渣。Results, love is just a fireworks, e. bright, change the residue.

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千万别放在桌子上--万一上面有食物残渣呢?Definitely don't put it on the table--what if you have crumbs on it?

本文主要研究了龙虾壳酶解残渣中虾青素的稳定性。The pigment stability from crayfish offal was studied in this paper.

千万别放在桌子上--万一上面有食物残渣呢?Definitely don't put it on the table--what if you have crumbs on it?

收获烟叶后,一个孩子的手上沾满了烟草残渣。A child's hands are covered in tobacco residue after harvesting leaves.

同时还简要介绍了脱氮残渣的处理方法。At the same time, it is described how to treat the denitrified residua.

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不要接受那大块嘴巴里还留有食物残渣、衣服穿得半裸的编辑所说的话。Don't accept mealy -mouthed half-baked editorial mush that says otherwise.

原煤焦气化残渣中主要含钙铝黄长石。Gehlenite is the major constituent in the gasification residue of raw char.

另一个目的就是能够让这些菌类更快地分解酿酒残渣。Another goal is to make the bugs quicker at breaking down the brewery waste.