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一个在墓园里的小丑。A clown in a cemetery.

济慈被埋葬于罗马的一处古墓园。Keats sleeps in an old cemetery in Rome.

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马卡尔可以在这些墓园城中扩张他的军队。Markal will be able to reinforce his army.

破坏狂亵渎了许多墓园中的墓碑。Vandals desecrated many tombstones in the cemetery.

天主教教堂和墓园都纷纷被毁。Catholic churches and cemeteries have been destroyed.

要在晚上运到礼拜堂的墓园。It is to be carried to the churchyard in the evening.

这则命令实际针对哈茨代尔宠物墓园。This is the actual order for the Hartsdale Pet Cemetery.

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墓园的入口边上有株石榴树。There was a pomegranate tree near the entrance to the cemetery.

马卡尔可以在这些墓园城中扩张他的军队。In these Necropolises , Markal will be able to reinforce his army.

那灰色的教堂显得更灰色,那孤寂的墓园也更孤寂。The grey church looked greyer, and the lonely churchyard lonelier.

凯伦与丈夫联系了当地的墓园商讨安葬地的事宜。Karen and her husband contact a local cemetery about a burial plot.

那天一开始在林茵墓园有个仪式,但最后却没有安葬程序。That day began with a service at Forest Lawn but ended without a burial.

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我把信装在口袋里,向墓园驰去,来到汉娜的墓前。With the letter in my pocket, I drove to the cemetery, to Hanna's grave.

我走过墓园的大门,但它是锻铁的——那里什么都没有。I walk through the graveyard entrance, but it's wrought iron—nothing there.

墓园的看门人提到,没有鬼魂在里行走。The caretakers of the various cemeteries involved report that no ghosts walk.

夜归的出租车把你带到了一片令人毛骨悚然的墓园。A late night cab ride takes a dark turn when you get stuck in an eerie cemetery.

因此犹太人的圣地不再得到维护,墓园被亵渎。Jewish holy sites were not maintained, and their cemeteries had been desecrated.

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清明节那天我们在墓园里墓祭了烈士们的英灵。On the Pure Brightness, we held a memorial service for martyrs in the funerary park.

到乌鸦岭墓园北方小屋里找「亚伯克隆比」还任务“巨魔盗贼”并接后续任务“给镇长的字条”。Go back to Abercrombie and hand in "Ogre Thieves", get the follow up "Note to the Mayor".

找出墓园的位置后,将墓碑上的碑文记录下来。After recording the location of the cemetery, document the inscriptions on the headstones.