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人是从类人猿进化来的。Man has evolved from the ape.

人类是由类人猿进化而成的。Human beings are evolved from ape-man.

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我已经一直拖延着这群类人猿一整天了。I been holdin' off these apes all day.

人无非是类人猿中最聪明的。Man is simply the cleverest of the anthropoids.

类人猿住在热带森林里。The anthropoids inhabit in the tropical forests.

类人猿有灭绝的危险。An anthropoid ape such as a gorilla or chimpanzee.

达尔文的结论是人由类人猿进化而来。Darwin concluded that men were descended from apes.

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多么强的对比啊,和与他同床的那个类人猿相比!What a contrast with the troglodyte who shared his bed!

因此简单地复制其他类人猿的饮食是不取的。Simply copying the other great apes is therefore not an option.

赤道附近的非洲森林中有些智能的树栖类人猿。Intelligent somewhat arboreal ape of equatorial african forests.

现在,谁知道?,也许海豚还是什么的-,某些类人猿。Now, who knows? Maybe dolphins or certain-- some of the great apes.

今天人们普遍认为人类是由类人猿进化而来的。It is now generally believed that men are descended from the ape-men.

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雷诺的分割类人猿物种多样性的新理论有何评价?Of Renyard's new theory of species variegation in segmented arthropods?

它允许类人猿进行逻辑推理、理性思维或分析判断,过一种远比老鼠的更复杂的生活。It allows apes to reason and live much more complicated lives than mice.

嗯,类人猿进化成和人类一样?我想不太可能。Hmm. Apes that evolve into something humanlike? Pretty unlikely, methinks.

来看看从类人猿到乌贼是如何面对地震的。Here's a look at how they responded, from the great apes to the cuttlefish.

公元前50万年,石器时代,类人猿在蒙古地区生活。BCE 500.000 during the Stone Age there was a man-type of ape living in Mongolia.

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要创建一个类人猿的大脑,舍伍德说,进化又加上了第三勺。To create the brain found in apes, Sherwood says, evolution added a third scoop.

也许某一天等我们完成了类人猿符号学翻译,我们就能催眠比利然后把它弄出来。Maybe someday we can finish the symbol interpreter, hypnotize Billy and get it out.

类人猿和猴子脚部也有增加其灵敏性的对生拇指。Apes and monkeys also have opposable thumbs on their feet that help their dexterity.