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你准备好被封爵?Are you ready to be Knighted?

有7人被封爵,其中一个更是一位王子。Seven have been knighted, and one was even a prince.

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然而,弗莱明却是最早获得认可,而且还因此被封爵的那个人。But Fleming got the early credit, and the knighthood.

女王将用同一把剑为他封爵位。The queen is going to knight him with the very sword.

他于1879年加入皇家画会,并于1899年接受封爵。He joined the Royal Academy in 1879 and was knighted in 1899.

我亲爱的老姐会让为你封爵一样看待,没人再会鞭打你了。My sister will make a lady of you, and no one will ever whip you again.

在莫瑞的一生中,曾被封爵,并被授予牛津大学荣誉博士学位。During his lifetime, Murray was knighted and awarded an honorary doctorate from Oxford.

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一项提议国王封爵的国会动议已经被13位议员签署表态支持了。PARLIAMENTARY motion calling for Kenny Dalglish to be knighted has been signed by 13 MPs.

从20世纪80年代末,他开始投身于抗击艾滋事业,并于1998年获封爵位。He has been heavily involved in the fight against AIDS since the late 1980s and was knighted in 1998.

当你已经证明自己,你将被封爵,然后再经过多些时间,才有你的第一个领地。At some point you'll have proved yourself and you will be knighted , and then after some more time, a fief.

看看那些政治上、商业上的家伙们,他们整个生活都是在风险中度过的,可又都因此封爵。Look at the chaps in politics and business, whose lives were passed in skating on thin ice, and getting knighted for it.

威廉华莱士被苏格兰封爵后,他将战斗延伸到苏格兰南部,并迅猛夺下约克城。Knighted by the Scottish nobles, Sir William Wallace extends the conflict south of the border and storms the city of York.

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1975年86岁前,过去曾是维多利亚时代伦敦“儿童济贫院”小孩之一的查理,被英国女王伊丽莎白二世加封爵位。In 1975, just before his eighty-sixth birthday, Charlie, who had been one of the London’s "infant poor" was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II.

欧尼尔拥有英国和美国双重国籍,谢绝了需要加入瑞典国籍才能接受的封爵。O'Neill, who holds dual American and British citizenship, has declined a royal rank in Sweden, which would have required him to become a Swedish citizen.