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葡萄糖氯化钠注射液…Dextrose and Sodium Chloride Inj.

D-葡萄糖是最常见的单位。D-glucose is the most common unit.

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乳糖产生葡萄糖和半乳糖。Lactose gives glucose and galactose.

葡萄糖正一滴一滴地输入病人体内。Glucose was dripping into the patient.

将果泥、转化糖浆和葡萄糖混合加热。Heat the puree, trimoline and glucose.

这些分子叫做葡萄糖转运载体Those are called glucose transporters.

脂肪,尿素,葡萄糖,氨基酸,矿物盐。Fat, urea, glucose, amino acids, salts.

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像是葡萄糖或者白糖都可以。Dextrose, even plain old sugar does the job.

葡萄糖液可用来供给水分。Dextrose solutions are useful for providing water.

医生把葡萄糖注射入病人的静脉。The doctor injects glucose into the patient's vein.

碳水化合物为动物提供葡萄糖凝固剂。Carbohydrates typically provide animals a glucose fix.

胰岛素必须出现,葡萄糖才能够进入细胞。For glucose to get into cells, insulin must be present.

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葡萄糖监测是一种微量渗析技术。Glucose monitoring is a kind of microdialysis technique.

葡萄糖异构酶的生物工程研究进展。Progress in Biological Engineering of D-Glucose Isomerase.

研究了14C-葡萄糖在13种土壤中的周转。The turnover of 14C-glucose added in 13 soils was studied.

葡萄糖转苷酶是低聚异麦芽糖生产的关键酶制剂。It is the key enzyme for yielding iso-maltooligosaccharide.

植物可以用阳光将水和空气转换成葡萄糖。Plants use sunlight to turn water and the gas into glucose.

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分别用葡萄糖酸钠或醋酸钠作为缓冲液。Sodium gluconate or acetate buffer were selected as buffer.

HbA1c可以替代葡萄糖作为糖尿病的诊断检测吗?Can HbA1c Replace Glucose as a Diagnostic Test for Diabetes?

乙酰-D-葡萄糖胺2-差向异构酶基因的克隆及表达。Cloning and expression of N-acetyl-D-glucosamine2-epimerase.