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我们的粮草准备的如何?What situation about our grain preparation?

军队向该村征集粮草。The army requisitioned the village for army provisions.

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他唯一的罪名就是供给我们粮草罢了。His only crime consisted in furnishing us with provisions.

她教他们捕鱼,搜寻粮草,追捕,和防卫它们自己。She teaches them to fish, forage, hunt, and defend themselves.

士兵们养精畜锐,节约粮草,以期反击敌人的进攻。The soldiers husband their strength and their food, waiting for the enemy to attack.

储存点粮草的话,你就会欣然感觉事情还在掌控,事情得以前行。By stockpiling some of your stash, you will stay ahead, feeling in control and happy.

今操粮草已尽,正可乘此机会,两路击之。Now that their grain is nearly consumed, we should take this chance and strike severally.

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又说,我们家里足有粮草,也有住宿的地方。She said moreover unto him, We have both straw and provender enough, and room to lodge in.

没有丛林可玩,生活和搜寻粮草混在一起,你的鸟将需要一个精彩之子来代替!Without the jungle to play, work, and forage in, your bird will need son awesome substitutions!

没有粮草,他们会放手一搏,更可能直接退兵。There is no food grass, they will give it a gamble and extra probably directly paint back troops.

在过去,它被提倡为有效减少土壤流失的方法,同时作为牛群的粮草。In the past it was promoted as an effective means to reduce soil erosion and as forage for cattle.

推广粮草轮作制度,加强农牧结合。Extend the cereal-forage rotation system reinforce the combination of agriculture and animal husbandry.

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军需自国内取用,粮食和草料在敌国就地征集,这样军队的粮草供给就可以满足了。Bring war material with you from home, but forage on the enemy. Thus the army will have food enough for its needs.

军事战略要求粮草先行,创建社会要求思想先行。Military strategy requires that food and fodder should go ahead, and society creation requires that ideology should go ahead.

“兵马未动,粮草先行”,没有充足的物资保障,军队的作战、生活、训练任务就难以开展。"The troops did not move, the supply is in advance", If not enough supplies, the operation, living, training of army couldn't start.

具体分析了以草木樨为纽带的粮草种植模式的效益、经济生态效价和不同模式的综合生产效率。And also discussed in detail the pattern for its economic benefits, ecological equivalent value, and comprehensive production efficiency.

盛忠豪分析,武藤雄一不要侧翼掩护,也没带辎重粮草,集中兵力一路突进,他是来拼命的。Sheng Zhonghao analysis, Wuteng Yuichi not to flank covering, also did not take the food, the concentration of forces a dart, he is desperate to.

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由曹专员主持,向王团长授旗仪式,张怡梅派遣侯七前往蘑菇岭,截取八路军的粮草。Hosted by cao commissioner, colonel trooping to the king, Zhang Yimei sent hou seven to mushroom ridge, intercepting hay of the eighth route army.

袁术担心在徐州的吕布救援刘备,派人给吕布送去粮草和密信,要吕布按兵不动。For fear of Lü Bu in Xuzhou who might lend Liu a hand, Yuan wrote Lü a letter, together with many food supplies as gifts, asking him not to help Liu.

而多亏了月食才让搁浅在牙买加海滩上粮草尽断的哥伦布及其船员们渡过难关。And an eclipse is credited with saving the life of Christopher Columbus and his crew when they were stranded without supplies on the coast of Jamaica.