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小孩子是不知好歹的。Young children are amoral.

你怎麽不知好歹呢?Why didn't you know good from bad?

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对不知好歹的人释以善意是愚蠢的。It is a mistake to lavish kindness to ungrateful people.

比方哈利对着伏地魔不知好歹地咆哮那一幕,很是刺耳,相当糟糕。Harry’s bellowing cod- psychoanalysis of Voldemort is jarringly awful.

事实上,他经常换女友,因为他不知好歹。In fact, he often changes girlfriend, for he doesn't know chalk from cheese.

我讨厌他们让我不舒服,看起来好像是我不可理喻、不知好歹。I hated it when they made me feel bad, ask if I was unreasonable and unappreciative.

你们好心留我过夜,所以我不想说些不知好歹的话。You were kind enough to let me spend the night, so I do not mean to sound ungrateful.

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但是,假如你为自己的不知好歹感到难为情的话,你得往道歉。But, if you be ashamed of your touchiness, you must ask pardon, mind, when she comes in.

弄墨的眼里透出浓浓的失望,对于这个人的不知好歹。Make the eyes of Mo inside profoundly very thick disappointment, for this person of stubborn.

以前听到“那是你自己找的”这句话时,我知道是在电视剧里某人不知好歹而自找苦头吃。I always know "You Put Yourself In" is from TVs, it means somebody goes looking for trouables by himself.

小儿子卢克看起来依旧呆头呆脑,还会不知好歹的去骚扰可怕的邻居。Young son Luke looks as before idiotic, still meet the goes annoying dreariness neighbour of not know what's good.

已经半夜了,但我一直睡不着,想到自己的不知好歹,简直就像一只令人恶心的大虫子!It is already midnight, but I cannot sleep because I keep thinking about how ungrateful I was, and I feel like a big, disgusting bug!

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盘子掉地了,率了个底朝天,连同他的午餐一并都成了飞走的鸡。“瞧你做的好事!”我想到。你这不知好歹的家伙又冲着我直瞅呢!The tray didn't just hit the floor. It crashed and smashed his lunch to pieces. Serves you damn well right, I thought. You were staring again.