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但是他值得成为年度人物吗?But is he worthy?

年度最佳女同性恋?但,有反对票!Lesbian of the Year? Mais, non!

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可以将它设为你的年度目标。Set this as your one-year goal.

做年度身体检查。Get an annual physical check-up.

考虑一个年度性的运动。Consider an anniversary campaign.

年度成员会议和务虚会。Annual members meeting and retreat.

诺西的年度收益至今还是负的。NSN has yet to make an annual profit.

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她可真的是2009年的年度人物啊。She was “Person of the Year” in 2009.

年度最让人精疲力尽的比赛?The most punishing match of the year?

他计划为下一年度编预算。He plan to budget for the coming year.

何时作最后一次年度存货盘存?。When was your last annual stocktaking?

萨姆-辛基年度最佳经理,赞。Sam Hinkie executive of the year. Nice.

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年度最佳泳装美少女登场!Here comes the best swimsuit of the year!

2007年,凯美瑞被选为年度汽车。In 2007, Camry was voted Car of the Year.

我认为,本片是年度最佳电影之一。This is one of the best films of the year.

我们按年度缴纳5英镑的订阅费。We paid a subscription of 5 pounds yearly.

布莱尔的“动物本能”获得了2010“最差性文学奖”年度提名。Blair's memoirs nominated for Bad Sex Award

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阿格雷是2003年度诺贝尔化学奖得主之一。Agre shared the 2003 Nobel Prize in chemistry.

年度规定极限是1000微西维特。The annual legal limit is 1,000 microsieverts.

本片为美国广播公司ABC所呈现之年度电视电影。A year telecine that appears for ABC ABC place.