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抢掠行为被广泛报道。Looting was widely reported.

罗马人抢掠萨宾族妇女就是最好的例子。the rape of the Sabine women is a case in point.

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抢掠扒窃及店铺盗窃均有所增加。Snatching , pickpocketing , and shop thefts all rose.

侵略军到处烧杀抢掠。The invaders burned, killed and looted wherever they went.

他说。一开始,你先把那个人给弄死了,这然后,你还想抢掠他的贮藏室。He said. First you make him dead, then you wish to rob his larder.

英法联军无疑是最先抢掠圆明园的罪魁祸首。Unquestionably, the united army is the chief criminal of the plunder.

在抢掠过程中,八重本来打算烧光百姓的粮食就可。In the robbery process, eight heavy was going to burn out peoples food can.

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到处抢掠的反叛组织圣主抵抗军不再在这里扰民。The marauding rebels of the Lord's Resistance Army no longer haunt this land.

一年,一个弱小国家的商船被抢掠了,船上装满了玛瑙。One year one of them was robbed of its business shops, which was full of agate.

肯雅塔和鲁托被指控为烧杀抢掠的暴徒提供策划和资金。Kenyatta and Ruto are accused oforchestrating and funding mobs to kill and pillage.

希特勒的早期“胜利”,只不过是一个死心塌地的恶棍出人意料地抢掠得手而已。Hitler's early "successes" were only the startling depredations of a resolute felon.

法国和英国的士兵烧杀抢掠、挑起暴乱。Marauding French and English soldiers routinely pillaged and raped, and sparked riots.

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在一次抢掠中,史密斯被抓住了,眼看就要性命不保。During one of these missions, Smith was captured and seemingly served up for execution.

忽有使者来报告扫罗说,非利士人犯境抢掠,请王快快回去。a messenger came to Saul, saying, "Come quickly! The Philistines are raiding the land."

1860年和1900年,园明园被英法联军和八国联军抢掠并付之一炬。However, it was robbed and burned off by Anglo-French Allied Forces in 1860 and in 1900.

撒玛利亚人曾经为一个遭到一群恶棍毒打和抢掠的人提供了关爱。Jakes spoke of the biblical Good Samaritan who cared for a man beaten and robbed by thugs.

武装部队经常闯入位于基巴蒂的收容中心,抢掠食物、金钱和流动电话等。Armed men frequently raid the camps in Kibati, demanding money, food and mobile telephones.

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也有传言说它们是鸟蛋抢掠者。它们从其他鸟的鸟巢偷鸟蛋来当食物。They are also rumored to be egg snatchers, stealing eggs from the nests of other birds to eat.

我离开几周后,一天有三个人闯进了格雷格的牌吧,抢掠他的房子,并向他开枪射击。A few weeks after I left, three men entered Greg’s poker club and, as they robbed his house, shot him.

警方此前曾实施宵禁,以控制洗劫了该市每一个市场的抢掠者。Police had imposed an overnight curfew to control looters who sacked virtually every market in the city.