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已经没有闲钱能用或者来买别的东西了。No extra money to go and buy other things.

我可以借你些钱。我家里有些闲钱。I can lend you some money. I have some losse money at home.

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手头存有闲钱,想把它给予一项革命事业吗?Got extra cash and want to give it to a revolutionary cause?

需要闲钱时,加根就兼职当舞女。When extra credit was needed, Gargan moonlighted as a dancer.

投资者可以把闲钱拿出来,购买具有投资价值的股票。Investors might take out their free money and bought some stocks with investing values.

谁有这个闲时去健身房,或者有这个闲钱去买昂贵的健身器械,或者远途骑车啊?Who has the time to go to the gym, or buy expensive equipment, or take long bike rides?

你说想要感觉良好,活得长久,甚至有点儿闲钱在手?You say you want to feel better, live longer, and even have a little extra cash on hand?

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一些人比较谨慎,储起一点闲钱以备不时之需。Some of them are careful enough to have a little nest egg tucked away for the rainy days.

这意味着新加坡人有更多的闲钱去消费,这也是美容业兴盛的原因之一。That means more people have more cash to spend, a factor that has spurred the beauty boom.

提前还贷应量力而为,适合手中有闲钱的居民。Ability to be ahead of schedule owing on the loan, there is room for the hands of residents.

你渴望成为百万富翁,梦想从贫穷变得富有,有闲钱可以花。So you want to be a millionaire. You dream of going from rags to riches with money to spare.

放款人的身份不断拓宽,远远超出了当铺和有闲钱的富商。The cast of lenders has broadened far beyond pawnshops and rich businessmen with cash to spare.

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同时,如果你身边还有一些闲钱,一些银行和信用合作社又的提供很好的条件,你就消费去吧。Meanwhile, if you have extra cash, shop around for banks and credit unions that offer good deals.

快进到数年之后,也就是2010年,突然间,人们的闲钱没有那么多了。So flash-forward a few years later, to 2010. Suddenly people don't have as many discretionary dollars.

不久之前,中国还没有技能和闲钱来推动让人惊讶的创新,而现在它却两者兼具。Not long ago, China had neither the skills nor the spare cash to fuel amazing greatness. Now it has both.

拉齐奥有将多些闲钱可以花了,因为他们和迪卡尼奥的官司结束了。The Biancocelesti have a little more cash to splash now that their legal battle with Di Canio has concluded.

你说想要感觉良好,活得长久,甚至有点儿闲钱在手?很简单,把烟戒了吧。You say you want to feel better, live longer, and even have a little extra cash on hand? Easy. Just quit smoking.

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我不想搀和到你昨晚告诉我的这个生意中去,因为我没有闲钱去这么做。I don't want to get in involved in the business you told me last night, since I don't have extra money to do that.

拿着你那些多余的闲钱,给你心爱的人买些礼物,或者去度个小假,岂不更好吗?Use all that extra money that you save to pay off your bills, buy your loved ones gifts, and even take a small vacation.

我不认为我们的书价还可以再提高,因为现在大家没有太多闲钱可花了。I don't think we can jack up our prices on our books anymore, because people don't have much extra money to spend these days.