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它是冷漠的。It’s standoffish.

是无知还是冷漠?Is it ignorance or apathy?

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我的邻居是一个冷漠的人。My neighbour is a cold fish.

比冷漠无情还坏!Oh! worse than cold-hearted!

他在冷漠中成为了沙皇。He is a tsar in indifference.

那是一双冷漠的绿眼睛。His eyes were cold and green.

那是一双冷漠的绿眼睛。His eyes were cold and green.‘I

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如何解释这种冷漠呢?What explains this nonchalance?

迟钝,木然、冷漠。dull, callous, and indifferent.

阿尔奇冷漠地瞪了她一眼。Archie fixed her with a cold eye.

她的冷漠伤害了他的自尊心。He was piqued by her indifference.

我会冷漠于意外的赏赉?In unexpected largesse? am I cold.

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人类或禽兽的那分冷漠。We have to dread from man or beast.

有必要刺激一下他的冷漠。His apathy necessitates stimulation.

我开始放弃,学会冷漠,但是我不甘心,还想挣扎。I begin to give up, learn apartness.

她是一个多么冷漠无情的女人啊。What a cold, unfeeling woman she was.

冷漠不动,令诱惑难以近身。Unmoved, cold, and to temptation slow.

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他是一个残酷、冷漠的男人。He is a man meaner than a junkyard dog.

男性得到的建议则是在镜头前表现得冷漠。Men were ordered to be aloof on camera.

我的家人看起来对我是那么冷漠。Homies looking so cool, cool, Im cool_t!