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Potti博士被杜克大学辞退。Dr. Potti resigned from Duke.

我因他不老实而把他辞退了。I parted with him for his dishonesty.

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辞退后,我就失却了稳定的经济来源。I lost a steady income after I was fired.

碧妮丝,别开玩笑!我今天被辞退了。Bernice, don't joke! I was laid off today.

后来委员会辞退了卡利亚。Carder was later removed by the Committee.

该雇员被认为不称职而遭辞退。The employee was dismissed as incompetent.

厂子因此从100名雇员中辞退了40名。The factory has laid off 40 of its 100 workers.

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他把所有的仆人,除了我,都辞退了。He gave all the servants, but me, notice to quit.

女佣人偷窃银餐具,我们只好把她辞退了。We had to send the girl away for stealing the silver.

就像我说的一样,即使是最优秀的人都有可能被辞退。As I said, getting fired can happen to the best of us.

这幢楼建成后,他就辞退了工人。When the building was completed, he paid off the workers.

如果如许的做弊止动再产死,您将被辞退出校。If this cheating recurs, you will be expelled from school.

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辞退巴茨之后,雅虎董事会任命首席财务官蒂姆•莫尔斯暂代CEO一职。In firing Bartz, the board named CFO Tim Morse as interim chief.

拉姆斯菲尔德对这种事情也深感震怒,但在他六年的国防部长生涯中,仅仅辞退了一名高级官员。Rumsfeld raged, but, in six years, fired only one senior official.

公司曾经借贷给她,最后她被公司辞退。This company has to be given credit for her ultimate annihilation.

带一个热像唐尼辞退赖特围绕着它很容易沉迷。And with a hot stud like Donny Wright around it was easy to indulge.

她辞退了三万六千员工,了解他们的反感。She laid off 36 thousand employees, and acknowledges their resentment.

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谁知第一球季,球队的表现惨不忍睹,他因而被辞退。But in his first season, the team is terrible and management fires him.

官员们辞退了大部分学校员工,剩下的都被转到了新学校。Officials have axed most of the staff and moved the others to new schools.

被辞退的瑞士小妞吻了一度失落的导弹和剪刀。The absolved Swiss absence kissed the already missing missile and scissors.