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有善始很好,有善终更好。Good to begin well, better to end well.

查理是个注定不得善终的人。Charles was a man doomed to tragic issues.

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它来源于希腊语,按字面翻译为“善终”。It comes from the Greek, literally translating as "a good death".

即便是赢得过世界冠军的巴特兹也没能在这里善终。Even a World Cup-winning number one, Fabien Barthez, didn't hang around for the long haul.

所有这些事情都集中在一同了,不能够会善终的,至少关于民主国度来说。All these things coming together as they have is not likley to end well. at least for democracies.

任何地方,任何人若没能生活在上帝的荣耀里,都无法善终。Any mananywhere has failed to find the good end of life until he has begunto live to the glory of God.

和国际知名运动,善终帮助使人们关注难以治疗的为死去的痛苦。And an international movement known as hospice has helped bring attention to difficult-to-treat pain for the dying.

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他说,帝国必须巧取豪夺、征服四方,必须勇往直前、艰苦斗争,有几个帝国得到了善终?"Empires must rob and conquer, " he said. "They must charge ahead and fight hard. How many empires had good endings?"

江上、江湖飘、白龙、小美四人纠结终身的业力,能否能有善终?River and river-lake float, white dragon, small beautiful four people, the karma can intertwine lifelong can have ending?

数字5象征“五福”,即长寿、富贵、康宁、好德与善终,据苏富比拍卖行说。The number five represents the "five blessings" of old age, wealth, health, virtue and peaceful death, according to Sotheby's.

其实安宁照护可以让癌末病人减轻疼痛,拥有较好生活品质,并获得善终。Actually, hospice care can alleviate the pain for terminal patients, so they have better living quality and can die peacefully.

金无足赤,人无完人,古人有一辈子都在做恶,到了临命终前却能悔悟过来,萌发一个善的念头,于是得到了善终的果报。Every bean has its black. , the ancients have in a lifetime to do evil, to face death before germination can convict, a good idea, so get a reward.

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如果说商鞅能在秦相位置上善终,那无疑是成功的,也值得后世敬仰并推崇的。If we say that Shang Yang in Qin position relative to a hospice, it is undoubtedly successful, future generations should also be respected and admired.

从表面上看来,拿破仑是善终的,但根据对他遗留下来的几根头发所作出的科学化验,发现他是被毒死的。Napoleon died a natural death to the eye, but by a modern scientific analysis of the few hair left over by him, it was revealed that he had been poisoned.

同时明代在户部的用人政策与现实之间的差距、户部尚书任职的短暂以及他们大多不得善终的结局,也暴露出当时的政治体制中存在的问题。Meanwhile, the distance between appointment policy and reality, the fact that most of the ministers didn't wind up properly join to expose the problems existing in the political system at that time.