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暖空气上升。Warm air rises.

比分交替上升。The score seesawed.

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标准普尔500指数上升15点。S&P 500 up 15 points.

汉语普通话的地位会不会上升?Will Mandarin ascend?

本季度销售额上升。Sale is up this season.

今年销售额在上升。Sales are up this year.

烟盘旋上升。The smoke spiralled up.

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启动上升段氦加压。Enables ascent He press.

气压表的水银柱在上升。The barometer is rising.

溜溜球既可以上升也可以下降。A yo-yo can rise and fall.

都还没有上升到天盖。Has not attained his noon.

飞机斜着往上升。The plane climbed steeply.

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烟雾缭绕上升。The smoke wreathed upward.

启动上升段。Initiates the ascent stage.

烟直直地上升。The smoke rose straight up.

那股烟袅袅上升。The smoke spiraled upwards.

上升半音级是什么What's a half step above D?

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今年她上升到了第8名。This year she shot to No. 8.

英语上升一个水平。Your English goes up a leve.

上升到平移增量菜单。Bring up the TRANS INCR menu.