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事实上,也惟有这样的安排,才算是两全其美的理想之道。This device is really an invitation to make the best of both worlds , the.

对于默克尔和德国的政治体制,这是两全其美的。For Merkel and the German political establishment, it's the best of both worlds.

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她的2007年“两全其美”巡回演唱会,在全美都广受欢迎。During her 2007 "Best of Both Worlds" tour, she played to sell-outs all across America.

在进行日常的机油更换时,顺带检查一下空气滤清器不失为一种两全其美的好习惯。In day-to-day oil change, by check air filter is a good habit of kill two birds with one stone.

如果你是一个谷歌浏览器的用户,有一个更好的两全其美的选择。If you are a Google Chrome user, there’s however a much better option that will give you the best of both worlds.

通胀率突然跃升至25个月高位,是否意味着中国这段两全其美的好日子接近终结?Could it be that the sudden jump in inflation to a 25-month high means that China's charmed run is coming to an end?

在网店新规面临执行难题时,姜奇平等专家找到了一个两全其美的办法。Shop in the new regulatory challenges facing the implementation of, Jiang Qiping, and other experts to find a way to the best of both worlds.

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突然间,有个两全其美的主意出现在脑海,让我心中马上充满安慰和喜乐,知道我有答案了!Then suddenly a win-win solution appeared in my mind, and caused my heart to be filled with comfort and joy immediately, I knew I had the answer!

不过这种封闭的交流是以牺牲公共知识的分享为代价的,不过长远来看,课堂里的创新者们不能总是两全其美的。That closed communication comes at the expense of public knowledge sharing, but classroom innovators may not be able to have it both ways in the long term.

您在凝视车水马龙的城市景观的同时,转身就能眺望麦里芝蓄水池一带的青葱绿意,随时坐拥两全其美的生活。One overlooks the bustling cityscape, while the other commands a view of the lush surroundings of MacRitchie Reservoir, offering you a lifestyle that gives you the best of both worlds.