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负责日常文案的写作、文字校对。In charge of paper work and text proofreading.

现在已经不用羊皮纸书写文案了。Official documents are no longer written on lambskin.

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这里就需要体现营销者比聪明的广告文案高明之处了。This is where the smart copywriter becomes a marketer.

然后,文案为你客户给出一个免费的提案。Then, they should produce a free proposal for your client.

建立利益强化的名单广告文案的好处。Create benefit intensifiers for your list of ad copy benefits.

大多数的网站,时间更多的花费在文案而非设计。On most websites, more time is spent on copywriting than design.

有很多很好的文案并不具备上述的技能。There are many good copywriters that do not have the above skills.

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本文以广告文案中的形式反覆现象为研究对象。This essay is a study of the reiterative style in advertising copy.

我们和其他妖精一起在古灵阁做一些文案的工作。We are in the bank with other goblins and doing a lot of paperwork.

同样地,我也曾经认为网站文案与我无关。And I also thought that it just wasn’t my job to care about content.

人们喜欢短小的文案,但是长文案又能让他们更好地理解!People prefer short line lengths, but they read better with longer ones!

在广告方面,宣美更注重文案的表现力。In advertising, we attach more importance to the performance of the text.

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一些用于图标设计及文案设计的点子A couple of points to keep in mind regarding the iconography and copywriting

你曾经有没或者考虑过向客户销售文案服务呢?Do you or have you considered offering copywriting services to your clients?

长时间工作是文案律师一天填14个小时的表格。Long work is what the lawyer who bills 14 hours a day filling in forms does.

广告文案的本质是促使受众行动而非炫耀文案的华彩丽服。The nature of the letter is the action of target audience but flowery diction.

而当你向客户提供文案时,正是你与客户加深关系的时候。When you provide copywriting, you develop a deeper relationship with your clients.

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当面对不同的商业市场的时候,我的文案经常会参照一些写作风格指南.When targeting a specific market, our web writers frequently refer to style guides.

不过他们将会获得足够多的联系,每天练习上七八条文案。But they’ll get plenty of practice, doing as many as seven or eight write-ups a day.

当你不能预知所有的目标时,你可以把你的文案写得适应于多种用途。While you can't predict all such goals, you can plan for multiple uses of your text.