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我认为这是不合宜的行为。I think it's very inappropriate.

爱人们需要它来掩盖很不合宜的事故。Lovers need it to cover inconvenient accidents.

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我们知道律法原是好的,只要人用得合宜。We know that the law is good if one uses it properly.

是否传统的财务预算管理已不合宜?。Does "traditional" financial budgeting already out dated?

一句话说的合宜,就如金苹果落在银网子�。A word aptly spoken is apples of gold in settings of silver.

一句话说得合宜,就如金苹果在银网子里。A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.

机舱服务员打扮合宜及拥有专业的形象。Cabin crews are well-groomed and possess professional appearance.

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向生婴儿的父母亲恭贺新生儿也是合宜的。It's appropriate to congratulate new parents on their new addition.

首先,冲浪者要面朝下在滑板上飘浮,等待合宜的大浪。First, a surfer floats on the board facedown and waits for a good wave.

这是仁爱的第二层发挥,合理合宜。That is the second level of humaneness, and is in accord with principle.

我可以摒弃那些不合适的,保留那些被证明是合宜的东西。I can discard that which is unfitting, and keep that which proved fitting.

面试的时候,他谈吐合宜,表达恰当,给老板留下印象。During the interview, he deeply impressed the boss with words fitly spoken.

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以下的梦将会显示,我们想到「浮士德」,并非不合宜。The following dream will show that this reminder of Faust is not out of place.

对初代基督徒而言,冬青花环有这两种颜色相当合宜。For early Christians, it was appropriate to have both colors in the holly wreath.

绿色家具一直都是合宜的选择,但现在它似乎正在逐渐发展成主流。Green furniture has always been available, but now it seems to be going mainstream.

在荟供时使用塑料包装的供物是一点都不合宜的。It is not at all advisable to use items wrapped in plastics during feast-offerings.

我们正在建造更多的政府组屋,以缩短购屋等候时间和维持合宜的价格水平。We are building more HDB flats, to reduce waiting times and keep prices affordable.

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佩林女士的草稿实际上对获胜的奥巴马先生表达了充分合宜的称赞。Mrs Palin's draft in fact paid rich and appropriate tribute to the victorious Mr Obama.

“合宜园艺”是国际观赏园艺发展的新理念。The appropriate horticulture is a new idea of the international ornamental horticulture.

我虽然靠着基督能放胆吩咐你合宜的事。Wherefore, though I might be much bold in Christ to enjoin thee that which is convenient