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济慈和雪莱是同时代人。Keats was contemporary with Shelley.

像济慈和雪莱这样的诗人现在很少了。There are few poets such as Keats and Shelly.

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像济慈和雪莱那样的诗人现在少了。There are few poets such as Keats and Shelley.

对济慈和史蒂文生我也稍微了解。With Keats and Stevenson, I have an acquaintance.

有些诗人,如济慈和雪莱,写的是浪漫主义诗歌。Such poets as Keats and Shelly wrote romantic poetry.

作家济慈和契诃夫就曾做过医生。The writers Keats and Chekhoy had been doctors . T. S.

楚慈和众租客倡议买楼保值,听得众人跃跃欲试。Chu and all the tenants initiative, hear all buyers hedge try.

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耶稣希望你活出非凡的生命,满有恩慈和真理。Jesus wants you to live an extraordinary life, full of grace and truth.

恩慈和真理已经相遇,公义与极乐亦将互吻。Mercy and truth have met together, righteousness and bliss shall kiss one another.

应当在家庭中的一切关系上,在亲切的恩慈和温柔无私的礼貌中流露出来。It should flow out in all home intercourse, showing itself in thoughtful kindness, in gentle, unselfish courtesy.

传扬福音实际上就是宣扬基督的许多美德,包括祂的爱、恩慈和赦免。To preach the gospel is actually to tell forth the many virtues of Christ, including His love, kindness, and forgiveness.

最好的抒情诗,想想济慈和雪莱的诗,就像是一次次的顿悟,让我们醍醐灌顶,如梦方醒。The best lyric poems—think of Keats or Shelley, for example—are moments of epiphany, a sudden opening out onto magic casements.

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是的,我们甚至寻回了我们所拒绝的,因为恩慈和真理相遇,公义和极乐互吻。Yes, we even get back what we rejected, for mercy and truth are met together, and righteousness and bliss shall kiss one another.

伦敦称为最后二位浪漫诗人,因为他可以从鲁珀特布鲁克追溯到19世纪的济慈和雪莱的传统写作。He has been calledthe last of the romantic poets, for he wrote in a tradition that can be traced back through Rupert Brooke to Keats and Shelley in the 19th Century.