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沿着这条深谷有一条羊肠小路。Along the ravine there was a mule path.

而羊肠类的塑料线也比金属线的来的响亮。Catgut and type of plastic than metal lines to the loud.

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羊肠小路上,房顶上,石桥上都笼上了一层朦胧的薄雾。Mule path, the roof, stone Bridges are cage on a hazy mist.

城市背后的小山上,乳香树和橄榄树的深处,总有羊肠小径曲折蜿蜒。On the hills above the city there are paths among the mastics and olive trees.

除了有一线天光,被微风吹过,葱绿的昏暗和苔藓的羊肠小路。Save what from heaven is with the breezes blown, Through verdurous glooms and winding mossy ways.

我想,当年红军挑粮,可都是踩着汗水一步一步从九曲羊肠走上来的。I think, in those days the Red Army carries grain, can be to stepping on sweat one pace goes from 9 Yang Chang.

若你弹奏蓝草音乐,乡村摇滚乐或巴洛克音乐,你就应该使用全套真正的羊肠弦演奏。If you play bluegrass, rockabilly or baroque music, you owe it to yourself to play on a true, full set of all of gut strings.

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肠线是一种手术中使用的缝合线,由牛肠或羊肠制成。"Catgut is a typeof surgical thread made from the intestines of cows or sheep.""So whydo they call it catgut?" asked Rizzoli.

把那些羊肚、羊脚、羊肠、羊杂碎掏起来吃吃,味道相当鲜美,因此拣了便宜的食客称之为掏羊锅。Those Yang Du, sheep foot, mule, sheep offal dig up and eat, taste quite delicious, so diners pick a cheap dig sheep called the pot.

在人生道路上,走上坡路要昂首阔步,走下坡路要谨小慎微,走阳关道要目视前方,走羊肠路要俯视脚下。The road in life, uphill to swagger, downhill to be timid and overcautious, way to go straight ahead, take a road to overlooking the foot.

有人在郊外宰羊祭献,鹰猛地向祭坛扑去,抓了几根燃烧着羊肠飞回巢中。Some men were sacrificing a goat in the countryside and the eagle swooped down on the alter, carrying off some burning entrails, which she took up to her nest.

新的高射炮火力交织阻挡在他前方的路上。他让自己投入到原力之中,在密集的榴弹炮和交叉的粒子炮光束之间努力寻找一条安全的羊肠小径。New bursts of flak bracketed his path. He reached into the Force, feeling for a safe channel through the swarms of shrapnel and sizzling nets of particle beams.

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这样好的地方深藏在山峦重叠、羊肠鸟道之间,与其说蜀道难,不如说蜀道奇。"Each rock can serve as a rest place and every spot deserves lines of praise". Such wonderful places hidden deep between overlapping peaks and winding narrow paths!

白雪覆盖的高山遥遥的望见,几座山包丘则匍匐在古城边上,十字交织的羊肠道一点儿一点儿的被长出来的绿色的草吞噬着。Snow-capped mountains loom in the distance whellole smaller hellolls tumble down towards the town, criss-crossed by paths and nibbled away by quarries at their bases.

在羊肠小径止境,创业家都晓得,没有人能判别他们,没有人可以提出恳求,没有人晓得你能否付出你的全部或没有。At the end of the trail, entrepreneurs know that no one else can judge them, no one else could be as demanding, no one else knows whether you have given your all or not.