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岂都是使徒吗。Are all apostles?

你们读过使徒行传了吗?Have you read Acts yet?

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使徒保罗的基督教是如何得胜的How Pauline Christianity Triumphed

因此说明这封信是后使徒时代的。So this is a post-apostolic letter.

这是一个后使徒时期。This is in a post-apostolic period.

路加福音与使徒行传都有记载。It's in the Gospel of Luke and Acts.

主耶稣也是这样鼓励使徒彼得。Jesus did this with the Apostle Peter.

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在使徒行传17章,保罗也解释同一件事。In Acts 17 Paul explains the same thing.

他没有真正采访过使徒。He doesn't interview the actual apostles.

然后是使徒行传。Then you get to The Acts of the Apostles.

他提到了“使徒的回忆录“He mentions "the memoirs of the apostles."

使徒行传不涉及性。The Acts of the Apostles doesn't have sex.

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它们中有些自诩为使徒所写。Well,some of them claimed to be by apostles.

因为保罗是马吉安最喜欢的使徒。Because Paul was Marcion's fave,fave apostle.

在耶稣的名字信念在使徒行传书Faith in the Name of Jesus in the Book of Acts

使徒保罗所说的范围何其广阔!How wide is this assertion of the Apostle Paul!

这就是使徒行传的开头。And this is the way The Acts of Apostles begins.

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而在之一,罗马天主教和使徒教会。And in One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.

因此使徒行传的作者本身是不反对圣殿的。So the author of Acts is not himself anti-temple.

行政使徒的命令是教育性。The chief apostolate of the order is educational.