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他还成立了自己的公司。He started his company.

我们成立了一间新公司。We opend a new company.

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他被陪审团裁定罪名成立。He was convicted by a jury.

它对矢量同样也成立It's also true for vectors.

亚信峰会成立于1992年。CICA was established in 1992.

考虑成立一个食物小屋。Consider forming a food co-op.

他的窃盗罪名成立。He was proved guilty of steal.

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这对于纹理来说也是成立的。The same is true for textures.

多少个地址我可以成立?。How many addresses can Iset up?

拉乌尔定律在这里不成立。Raoult's law is not valid here.

新鲜直达1999年成立。FreshDirect was founded in 1999.

同样对社交也是成立的。The same is true of socializing.

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他们被禁止成立工会。They were forbidden to unionize.

可逆过程中才成立,而这是个不可逆过程。This is an irreversible process.

成立呼叫中心是下一个目标。Call-centres are the next target.

东澳网络成立于2015年。East network was founded in 2015.

年成立顿力集团。In 2007, Dunli Group was founded.

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他的控告不成立。He failed to establish his charge.

我认为笛卡尔的论证不成立I think Descartes' argument fails.

就这样,“青年摄制组“成立了。Thus was founded the "youth team".