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多难看的杂种狗哇!What an ugly mutt !

滚开,你们这群杂种!Piss off, you mongrels!

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踩烂这个杂种的牙!Bust this bastard's teeth.

她被一条杂种狗吓坏了。She was frightened by a cur.

你只是个杂种!You're nothing but a bastard.

一只难看的大个杂种狗试了试运气。A big ugly cur tried his luck.

你,看着这些杂种!Yo, watch these motherfuckers!

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你个婊子养的杂种,要不亲我的屁股吧?Son of bitch. Kiss my ass , OK?

“小杂种!”他咕哝道。"The little cur! " he muttered.

我们的敌人是美国狗杂种Our enemies are the American bastards

黑玉西瓜为小果型西瓜一代杂种。Heiyu is a small watermelon F1 hybrid.

嫁接嵌合体是嫁接杂种的一种类型。Graft chimera is a form of Graft hybrid.

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什么时候杂种乐队也变成了经典摇滚?When did Motley Crue become classic rock?

不把这个杂种弄痛、弄伤、弄残绝不善罢干休。Hurt, injure, or otherwise maim the bastard.

比利菲大师调用汤姆一乞丐杂种。Master Blifil called Tom a beggarly bastard.

你是个精力充沛的小杂种,是吧?You're a peppy little spit-fuck, aren't you?

我一直都仍是个自私自利的杂种。I was still the selfish bastard I always was.

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在我们的小屋内有三只野狗和四只杂种小狗。In our lodge were curs and four cross feists.

这让那个小杂种成为了一个英雄。It makes that other little bastard into a hero.

这些杂种总在在某个方面有点残疾。These metis are always deformed in some fashion.