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有沙鱼吗?Were there any sharks?

当然,是沙鱼蜥蜴喽。The sandfish lizard, of course.

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我们有上等螺沙鱼排、比目鱼,还有烤鲱鱼。We have filet of sole, flounder, and baked shad.

他们先是参观了游客中心并且看了一场关于沙鱼的电影。First they visited the Visitors' Center and watched a movie about sharks.

“天懂患上最后那条就沙鱼咬掉了几多鱼肉,”他说。“这船此刻可轻患上多了。”"god knows how much that last one took, " he said. "but she's much lighter now. "

沙鱼潜水员通常可以由一个黑点确定对鱼鳃盖。Sand Diver fish can often be identified by a dark spot on the gill cover of the fish.

他在沙鱼来袭时抛弃了同伴,读自溜走了。He leaves his friends behind and skips away alone when the shark comes to assault them.

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阿妹坐船头,阿哥水粗鄙,快游快游,沙鱼在背面。A boat, the elder brother of water vulgar, fast swimming fast swimming sharks in the back.

咱们抱负中的饲育家畜养料在浅水那部门中已提到,并且也关于到了饲育沙鱼的家畜养料。We target-feed the corals as mentioned in the dive section and we also target-feed the sharks.

他是在一个男子的球队里的坚强小孩,这个球队,才方才找到了自己的所属——大沙鱼奥尼尔。He was a child on a team of men that had just acquired its "proven" meal ticket in Shaquille ONeal.

生活就象冲浪,你有可能遇顶好浪,那会是一次有趣的飞行,但要提防那些沙鱼。Life is like surfing, you might catch a good wave and it will be a fun ride, but watch out for those sharks.

水下地动激起的海啸报复打击了马里布地区,深海的史前沙鱼被推上水面。An underwater earthquake generates a tsunami that strikes Malibu, bringing a hunting pack of prehistoric-looking goblin sharks to the surface.

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2010年4月参加了一个塔州钓鱼团,钓了很多不同的鱼,有牛鳅鱼、鲂鱼、梭鱼、军曹鱼和墨鱼,团友Katy就钓了一条沙鱼!Joined a fishing tour to Waterhouse Tasmania at Easter 2010. We caught plenty of flatheads, gurnards, pikes, kingfish, squids and Katy caught a gummy shark!

“它吃掉了大约四十磅肉,”白叟说作声来。它把我的鱼叉也带走了,另有那末很多绳索,他想,并且此刻我这条鱼又在淌血,其它沙鱼也会来的。"he took about forty pounds, " the old man said aloud. he took my harpoon too and all the rope, he thought, and now my fish bleeds again and there will be others.

他已飞行了两个钟点,在船梢歇着,有时候辰从大马林鱼身上撕下一点儿肉来品味着,起劲苏息,连结精神,这时候他瞅见了两条沙鱼中起首露面的那一条。he had sailed for two hours, resting in the stern and sometimes chewing a bit of the meat from the marlin, trying to rest and to be strong, when he saw the first of the two sharks.