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去洗洗你的脸!Go and wash your face!

我必须洗洗衣服。I have to do some washing.

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请帮我洗洗头,再吹干。Shampoo and blow dry, please.

现在我能为你做的就是给你洗洗脸。You have to go wash your face.

我可以帮你洗洗碗碟吗?Shall I help you with the washing-up?

我是该洗洗我的沙发套了。I really need to launder my sofa throw.

她需要洗洗并甩干她的衣服。She needed to wash and dry her clothes.

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既然饭好了,那就洗洗手吧!Now that dinner is ready, wash your hands.

你的脚不干净,去洗洗吧!Your feet are not clean, go and wash them!

也可以是帮他们溜溜狗,洗洗车道。Or walk their dog, or wash their driveways.

等我洗洗脸。洗洗手。就来陪你。I will be with you just as soon as I wash up.

做家务,洗洗盘子或者收拾庭院。Do housework, washing or get out in the garden.

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我洗洗涮涮,我收拾屋子。I do washing, cooking, cleaning and everything.

洗洗杯子,放回到橱子里。Wash your cup, and put it back in the cupboard.

奶奶帮忙洗洗涮涮和照看婴儿。Grandmother helps with washing and baby-sitting.

帮我洗洗这些锅碗瓢盆好吗?Will you help me to wash up all these pots and pans?

如果洗碗,槽晨的那些碗盘烦扰了你,那就去洗洗它们。If the dishes in the sink are bothering you, wash them.

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常洗洗涮涮表示有个好家!Pressure said Often the dinner dishes said a good home!

洗洗手可以让人觉得清洗了自己的罪恶。Hand-washing can make people feel cleansed of their sins.

他说我应该洗洗脑,需要复习复习学的知识。He said that I need brainwash and a brushup in my knowledge.