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一阵弓射响于屋檐。A bow-shot from her bower-eaves.

屋檐上挂着冰柱。Icicles depended from the eaves.

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雨水从屋檐滴下来。Rainwater trickled from the eaves.

雨水从屋檐往下滴。The rain was dripping off the roof.

雨水从屋檐滴下。The rain water drips from the eaves.

风卷起寂寞的窗纱,雪飘落在思念的屋檐。Wind lonely screens, the snow fall on the roof.

他们生活在非常小的氏族群体的屋檐之下。They lived in eaves in very small ' elan'groups.

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开普瑞扶起梯子,爬上屋檐。Capri picks up the ladder and climbs onto the roof.

我坐着听雨点落在屋檐上的声音。I sat listening to the fall of the rain on the roof.

今天,需要一个屋檐,地板,游泳池,还有停四辆汽车的车库。Today, it takes a roof, deck, pool, and 4-car garage.

屋檐和落叶树提供了最佳的遮阳。Eaves and deciduous trees allows optimal sun protection.

当水箱被添满后,我们会看到水从屋檐上留下来。When it does, you will see the water draining off the roof.

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沿着屋檐下面房子的一边布线。Run the cable along the eave and down the side of the house.

第七,不要让喋喋不休的燕子占据了你的屋檐。Seventhly, do not allow a prating swallow to possess your eaves.

整个大院所有房间的屋檐下部都有漂亮的真金彩绘。Beautiful gold murals are located under each eave of the compound.

好,我可以用我的象鼻子把它绕在屋檐的排水沟上,」马克说。OK. I can use my trunk to wrap it around the gutter, " Mark said."

全屋都白漆,百叶窗和屋檐则用绿漆。The house was painted white, with green shutters and green shingles.

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可是你别无选择,因为接下来就要开始爬最后的屋檐了。However, you have no other choice as you are going into a final roof.

若李看见一只猫在屋檐上徘徊,就作出了哲学的分析。Joly, perceiving a cat prowling on a gutter, extracted philosophy from it.

记得在一起躲雨的屋檐,记得一起荡过的秋千。Remember shelter with the roof, remember that finishes off with the swing.