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往往越有知识的人越虚怀若谷。Usually, Knowledge People are more modest.

我们应该以一种虚怀若谷、海纳百川的态度去审视、挖掘它。We should take a humble and compatible attitude to examine and tap it.

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我喜欢那种虚怀若谷的情调,——尽管我曾象奥古斯都那样被人称为宇宙的主宰。I love that humiliation, I, who am master of the universe, as was augustus.

在动漫这条路上一直坚定、认真、虚怀若谷的对待每一个客户。In the animation the way firmly, very modest, seriously treat every customer.

国瑞人有一颗谦卑之心,虚怀若谷向每位同行学习。Great Media people have a modest heart and we modestly learn from our industrial peers.

真正的智者一眼就看出超过自己的人,这就是为什么真正的智者虚怀若谷。A real wiseman can see the person who exceed himself at once, that is the reason why he is wise.

做一个虚怀若谷、善于学习的人,学习别人的长处,弥补自己的不足。Act as a people who is good at studying modestly, study others's strong point, deficiency making self up.

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第二,要虚怀若谷地、宽容地、大度地对待世界上的所有文化,以汲取有益的元素。To humbly, generously and expansively treat all cultures of the world in order to extract their beneficial elements.

像一尊女神的雕塑,沐浴在雨中,以波澜不惊的平静和虚怀若谷的博大,兑现自己美的传说。Like a goddess sculpture, bathed in the rain, with a placid, calm and very modest broad, fulfilling a beautiful legend.

而且,还包含评判错误的风险,和随着时间推移认识到做出了错误评判需要的虚怀若谷。It involves, moreover, the risk of wrong decision and the humility, after the passage of time, of recognizing it as such.

她每分每秒都感到自己是社会的公仆。她的虚怀若谷的谦虚品德从未被丝毫自满的情绪所沾染。She felt herself at every moment to be a servant of society and her profound modesty never left any room for complacency.

真实伟大的朴实无华,真实智慧的虚怀若谷,和真实力量的温和蕴藉。Remember the simplicity of true greatness, the open mind of true wisdom, and the meekness of true strength. by Douglas MacArthur.

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大海有博大的胸怀,故能积涓涓细流而形成浩瀚之势。你虚怀若谷,又博采众长,定能拥有无穷的智慧。The bosom of the sea is so big that it can hold many rivers. You are modest and multitalented and you will possess infinite wisdom.

这十篇分项内容之论文如下。这些分项论文将虚怀若谷等待听取多种见解和帮助。This article 10 of the essay partial content as follows. These breakdown papers will open mind waiting hear various opinions and help.

主啊,请赐予他谦逊,使他可以永远记住真实伟大的朴实无华,真实智慧的虚怀若谷,真实力量的温和蕴藉。Lord, I pray, Give him humility, so that he may always remember the simplicity of true greatness, the open mind of true wisdom, and the meekness of true strength.