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它们是设备特定的。They are device specific.

从任何特定一年来看都是存在风险的。Any given year was a crapshoot.

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搜索特定的文件类型。Search for a specific file type.

没有特定的方向。There is no preferred direction.

我们可以查找特定的一张牌。We can look for a specific card.

特定于文件系统的功能File system-specific capabilities

特定于语言的实现。Language-specific implementations.

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下面是特定食物减肥法There are the specific food diets.

所以没有特定的曲线。There is no preferred orientation.

没有特定的方向。So there is no preferred direction.

然后您可以输入一个特定的规则。Then, you can enter a specific rule.

聚乙二醇尿酸特定的酶。PEGylated uric acid ­specific enzyme.

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任何电路可以通过一个特定的数字信号。Any circuit will pass a digital signa.

每一片特定土地的土壤都是必要的Every piece of that soil is necessary.

事情是围绕特定人物发生的吗?Is it happening around certain people?

你会让特定的窗口打开多长时间。So how long you leave the window open.

各工种配备特定的工具。There is a specific tool for each job.

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当你斋戒的时候,寻找一个特定的目标。When you fast, work on specific goals.

提供特定于任务的流和上下文Provide task-specific flows and context

他们非常习惯一种特定的口音。they're so used to one specific accent.