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来吧,我会脱光的。Come and I'll peel off.

呵呵,我还没有脱光你的衣服呢!Oh, I do not do your clothes off!

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他迷晕了你之后,把你衣服脱光,绑在床上,恐吓你。Tied you to your bed. Terrorized you.

他脱光衣服,洗了一个热水澡。He husked himself and took a hot shower.

医生让他脱光衣服检查身体。The doctor told him to strip down for a check.

但学生真的敢把衣服脱光吗?But do Jeff’s students dare to take it all off?

我又去到那个泳池,这次冲凉时,我自信地脱光了所有衣物。The next time I went to the pool I showered naked.

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她脱光孩子们的衣服把他们放进浴缸。She stripped the children and put them in the bath.

当他酒醉时,他总会把衣服脱光。我们把他灌醉吧!He always strips when he is loaded. let 's get him drunk.

她脱光身上的衣服,赤身裸体从洗手间跑了出来。She took off all her clothes and ran out of the washroom.

小男孩脱光衣服,光着身子跳进河中。The little boy stripped off and dived into the river naked.

然后我们突然出现并脱光衣服,捕猎生虫的幼鸟,这里士兵们脱光衣服。Then we all sprang up and stript To hunt the verminous brood.

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只见这个16岁的少年,迎着刺骨的寒风,脱光了衣服,一头扎进了如冰的海水中。He stripped off all his clothing and plunged into the bleak sea.

衣服都脱光,每人发件纸睡衣,前面打个结就行。Have them remove all their clothes and give them each a paper gown.

000余名墨西哥人脱光衣服,为了艺术而赤身裸体。More than 18,000 Mexicans stripped off, baring all for the sake of art.

如果停止使用它,新生的头发将在2-4个月后脱光。If you stop using it your regrown hair will start to fall out after 2-4 months.

他把她脱光了绑在木桩上,把她射得像圣色巴斯*那样满身乱箭。He would tie her naked to a stake and shoot her full of arrows like Saint Sebastian.

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在英国有些地方,十分之一的人年方三十,牙齿就都脱光了!In some parts of Britain, one person in ten, by the age of thirty, has no teeth left!

惩罚之前,在自己的房间里,我必须把衣服脱光等待约翰叔叔或是卡罗尔婶婶进来。In the room I was to completely disrobe and wait for Uncle John or Aunt Carol to join me.

旅行社的发言人说,“游客可以在游泳和日光浴时脱光衣服,但是用餐时是着装的。”Passengers will get undressed for swimming and sunbathing, but will be clothed for dinner.