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我是学文科的。I major in arts.

我学的是文科,你呢?I study liberal arts. How about you?

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我上大学时读的是文科。I was liberal arts major in college.

在座的各位都是文科班的学生。All of you are liberal arts students.

“我很崇拜范。巴斯滕,”吉奥文科强调。I adored Van Basten, " Giovinco stated."

文科学生最终获取文学士,简称为B。Students in the arts and humanities get a B.

而有时候一个文科学位就足够了。Sometimes a liberal arts degree will suffice.

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她于一九七四年获文科学士学位。She received a bachelors degree in arts in 1974.

她于一九七四年“获”文科学士学位。She received a bachelor's degree in arts in 1974.

吉奥文科,马尔基西奥和德。切利肯定会回到尤文。Giovinco, Marchisio and De Ceglie will return yes.

而立体几何一直是困扰文科学生的主要问题之一。All the time the subject is troubling the students.

Saks在牛津大学获得了文科硕士学位。Saks obtained a master's degree in letters from Oxford.

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文科和理科,通识教育与人文。Liberal Arts And Sciences, General Studies And Humanities.

你可以给我介绍一下文科管理类课程吗?。Can you talk something about the course M. A in management?

文科开枪时,已违反命令的萨戈罗就在现场。Defying orders, Sagoro was there when Venco fired his shot.

法学专业实验室属于文科实验室。The laboratory of law major belongs to that of liberal arts.

除此之外,基耶利尼同吉奥文科也未必能够出场。In addition, with Gio arts Chiellini may not be able to play.

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萨戈罗最大的祸根就是他的罪犯哥哥文科。Sagoro's greatest bane was his criminal older brother, Venco.

很多高中文科学生一直使用人教版A教材。At my school the students of Arts have been using the edition A.

人文学科在一些优秀的文科中学依然兴隆。The humanities continue to thrive in elite liberal arts schools.