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她步履维艰,“保持稳定”,直到她赢得了他们的支持。She slogged on, "keeping steady", until she had won them over.

然而,自2008年以来,六方会谈进展缓慢、步履维艰且没有取得实质性成果。But those talks have been slow and arduous and in limbo since 2008.

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它们模仿的对象在中国阻力重重、步履维艰。The Western firms that some of them imitated find obstacles in their way in China.

在英国,一系列的技术装置已经让盗车贼步履维艰了。In the UK. an array of technical fixes is already making 9 life harder for car thieves.

即使攀登者能幸免于高山疾病的侵害,山上冰冷稀薄的空气也足以让人步履维艰,呼吸困难。Even if climbers escape severe mountain illnesses, the air is thin and cold. Breathing is hard.

首先,在七十年代那些巨头公司开始步履维艰,同时美国经济土崩瓦解。First, in the seventies those huge companies started tottering, while the U.S. economy fell apart.

如果信贷持续增加,央行控制通货膨胀将步履维艰。If credit growth roars on, the Chinese central bank will have a lot of trouble controlling inflation.

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这仅仅是在全负荷运转下的经济中创造就业步履维艰的一次前行,难以满足800万的就业需求。That is barely the pace of job creation in an economy running at full capacity, not 8m jobs short of it.

现在,随着支出开始耗尽,出现了令人不安的迹象,恢复正处于步履维艰的境地。And now, with the spending beginning to run out, there are troubling signs that the recovery is faltering.

资金结构的不合理使一些地勘单位的发展步履维艰。The unreasonable funds construction can make the development of the geologic prospecting units stagnation.

游客们手拉着手,步履维艰地爬上拥挤的山坡,就像成群结队的工蚁要去完成一项特别讨厌的任务。Visitors slog up a crowded hillside holding hands with strangers like worker ants on a particularly gruesome mission.

即便微软、雅虎、美国在线三方联手,在重返互联网创新中心这一位置的过程中,它们仍然会步履维艰。A combined Microsoft-Yahoo-AOL would still have a hard time fighting its way back to the innovative center of the web.

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磨练,使人难以忍受,使人步履维艰,但它能使强者站得更挺,走得更稳,产生更强的斗志。Polish, and make it difficult to put up with, people struggling, more pretty, but stronger, more stable, more fighting.

不过,离开了减缓人口增长的努力,任何上述方面的举措都会让我们的努力步履维艰。However, doing any of that without also making efforts to slow population growth makes an uphill climb even more difficult.

中国的院士制度起步很晚,恢复和建立社会科学院士制度更是步履维艰。China's academician system started quite late and the reestablishment of the Academy of Social Sciences met many difficulties.

尽管狮门已经保障了影片在美国的发行,但是在美国想要获得发行权的路途却是步履维艰。Despite securing distribution in the UK with Lionsgate, acquisitions executives in the US are reluctant to snap up the rights.

潘说,在如今的经济环境下,奥巴马也许会觉得步履维艰,但最起码他不会试图用武力解决问题。Obama may be finding it difficult in this economic climate, Pan says, but at least he's not trying to solve things through war.

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在欧美大行其道的第三方物流,近期在我国却步履维艰,徘徊不前。Third-party logistics is prosperous in Europe and American, however walking slowly, going back and forth recently in our country.

目前我国西南边疆地区民族教育的现状不容乐观,其发展依旧步履维艰。At present, the situation of ethnic education isn't satisfying in Southwest frontier regions and which is hard to develop well yet.

模糊的眼泪,却还是那么清楚地看见,原本行走山路箭步如飞的男子,如今走路的样子,却是一瘸一拐的,步履维艰。Fuzzy tears, but still so clearly see, originally walking road move so fast man, now like to walk, but limped, said of an aged person.