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我踽踽独行,前路一片漆黑。I am alone and the road is very dark.

在现实通往梦想的那条路上,只有我一个人,踽踽独行可我充满希望。I'm along on the way to my dream, but I'm full of hope.

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你可曾见过一条在街上踽踽独行的瘸狗么?If you've ever seen a one-legged dog then you've seen me.

他沿着爱尔文街踽踽前行,心里觉得很高兴,能够再度回到家乡。Walking along Alvin Street he felt glad to be home again.

在寻求和平与真理的道路上,我们不能踽踽独行。In the struggle for peace and justice, we cannot walk alone.

可我无依无靠,踽踽独行,只有梦是我唯一的伴侣。But I am helpless, traveled alone, and only dream is my only companion.

她活在我心里,我却无处生活,我在这个世界里踽踽独行。She lived in my heart, but I live nowhere. I was all alone in the world.

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浪漫是飞雪的黄昏踏雪而归踽踽独行。Romance is a snowy evening you walk back home alone with creaking footsteps.

与友相伴,暗夜而行,胜过日光之下踽踽独行。Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light.

背这自己的世界踽踽独行,你都没想过真的心疼我。This is their world back traveled alone, you do not really feel bad I thought.

在完善改良我们国家的道路上,我们不能踽踽独行。In the struggle to heal this nation and repair this world, we cannot walk alone.

为何我们明明随时可以向上帝求助,有时却宁可在人生的路上踽踽独行?Why do we sometimes try to go it alone in life when at every moment we have access to God?

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突然,你停住脚步,留在永恒的阴影里,而我只好踽踽独行。You suddenly stopped in your walk, in the shadow-side of the Forever, and I went on alone.

于是在这篇文章里,阿伦·厄普沃德灵魂复活,在网路的阴影里踽踽独行。So with this podcast the wraith of Allen Upward is resurrected to roam the shadows of the internet.

当你在生活中踽踽前行时,你经常需要不止一种方法去平衡自我。When you are moving through your life you often need more than one resource to keep you in balance.

城市里一条冷清的街道上,一个老人踽踽独行,孤寂地挨过秋日的午后。On the quiet street in the city. A little old man walked alone. Shuffling through the autumn afternoon.

刘清踽踽独行,看了看蒙蒙的天透露的丝丝熹微的光束。他再次低下头,什么也不愿去想。Liu Qing walk alone, looks hazy days revealed little pale beam. He bowed his head again, what do not want to think about.

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然后轻轻转身,一个人朝着落日,踽踽地走远了,那背影,分明就是当年深巷拨弄杏花的姑娘。Then gently turned towards the setting sun, a person, alone to go far, that figure, clearly is that girl with apricot lane.

在新开发的丛林里,一条蜿蜒的小径上,一个衣着素色的女人踽踽独行,径直走向林子里的一棵树。In a newly opened-up forest, a quietly dressed woman walked all by herself on a winding path straight towards one of the trees.

这诙色的天空下只留下灰色的空间在踽踽独行,模糊了我惺忪的睡眼,沉淀了我许久的祈盼。The second color sky leaving only the gray space in the walk alone, blurring my sleepy eyes, precipitation of my for a long time to pray.