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报纸新闻导语狭义受事主语句的构成成分分析。I. Types of narrow-sense accusative subject sentence in newspaper news lead.

汉语教学中,格语法适用于非受事宾语。In Chinese teaching, case grammar can be applied to teach non-patient objects.

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两个中心意义分别为“施事将受事传送给接受者”和“施事取得受事”。The two central senses are"agent causes recipient to receive patient"and"agent gets patient".

这种构式义压制进入其内的动词、施事和受事,使之产生新的意义或特征。This constructional meaning coerces the verb, the agent and the patient into new semantics or properties.

受事可以分为物质、信息和事件三类,物质是其典型的语义属性。The patient can be categorized into substance, information and event, with substance being its prototypical semantic properties.

在语义平面上,文章运用格理论,分析了名词在被动句中的格属问题,并指出受事格、施事格、工具格、结果格等是它们的主要格属。In pragmatical analysis e, we study the Nouns case, and refers to the Objective agentive instrumecal. resultative is their main case.

分配-共享构式表达的是施事和受事之间的一种分配和共享的数量关系。The Distributing and Sharing Construction expresses a quantity relation of distributing and sharing between the agent and the patient.

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其次,举例分析了连动句中主语角色的复杂性,即可以为施事论元、受事论元或施受同体论元。Secondly, this thesis takes examples to analyze the complicacy of subject which can serve as agentive argument, object argument, and both.

两者的高低与受事宾语的典型性强弱具有一定的共变关系。It is argued that there is interaction relationship between the said features for verb and the degree of prototypicality of patient object.

动结构式表达的是受事致使施事经历某种状态变化的构式义。The Resultative Construction expresses the semantics that the patient causes the agent to undergo some changes and achieve a certain state.

原型构式中对施事、接受者与受事的语义限制常常被打破,产生隐喻转喻扩展。The semantic constraints on the agent, recipient and the patient in the prototype of the construction are often violated by metonymy and metaphor.

处置同义格式存在着态度及受事信息是否明确突出的语用差异。There exists a pragmatic difference in whether the speaker's attitude and the information conveyed are clear and outstanding when synonymies are used.

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汉语中的及物动词通常能带受事宾语,但在使用中有时可不带宾语,这时动词依然还是及物动词。Transitive verbs of Chinese usually can be followed by patient objects, but sometimes they can't be followed by object and still are transitive verbs.

受事宾语像其他语法范畴一样也是一个典型范畴,因此,受事宾语在受事的典型性上也就存在着强弱差别。Patient object is also a proto-category like other grammatical categories, so it shows a rank hierarchy for the degree of prototypicality on patientivity.

为满足界面条件,通过选择、合并和移动,受事题元前移,成为句子层面的主语。To satisfy the interface conditions, the patient argument moves upward through selection, merging and movement, and becomes the subject at the sentence level.

这个构式义压制进入其内的受事、施事、动词、补语、受事和施事之间的关系、以及进入其内的事件的“体”。This constructional meaning coerces the patient, the agent, the verb, the complement, the relation between the agent and the patient, and the"aspect"of the event.

作为形式意义对应体的双及物构式表现为VNN的句法结构,它表示“施事将受事成功地转交给与事”。Ditransitive construction, as a form-meaning correspondence, takes the syntactic form of VNN and conveys the meaning of agent's causing recipient to receive theme successfully.

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缩短黏着语素的辖域以增强短语的生成与组合能力,是受事域外化的原动力。It is the impetus for the externalization of the patient argument to narrow the scope of adhesive morphemes so as to strengthen the generative and composite capacity of phrases.

在言语使用中,根据使用者的叙述视点,施事性被激活则作主语,受事性被激活则作宾语。In the use of language, according to the communicators narrative view-point, the argument functions as a subject if agentivity is activated and as an object if affectedness is activated.

制约受事宾语典型性强弱的因素很多,而动词的制约是其中很重要的一个方面,具体表现在动性程度的高低和动词在口语或语篇中出现频率的高低。There are many factors to motivate the degree of prototypicality of patient object and one of them is motivation of verb, including the degree of motion and frequency of verb in discourse.