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媒体帝国,女人,孩子,复仇,名望和玩弄于股掌的各国政要。A media empire. Women.

周五早些时候胡锦涛设宴欢迎80多位世界各国的政要。At a luncheon earlier in the day with more than 80 world leaders, Mr.

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在很多国家,政要女保镖正逐渐流行起来。In many countries, politicians are increasingly popular female bodyguards.

如果你听到政要领袖在高谈阔论经济事务时,快找地方躲起来吧。Take cover when you hear a political leader talking about economic affairs.

设计项目多次获得国内外大奖、多次接受政要贵宾的参观访问。Projects designed by AREP has obtained lots of awards and been visited by VIPs.

近年来,个园屡次留下了党和国家引导人及本国政要的身影。May party and state leaders from home and abroad have visited the Geyuan Garden.

奥运开赛在即,各国政要相继抵京,其中不乏体育狂热者。State leaders have arrived in Beijing and are awaiting their "must-watch" sports.

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我简直不能相信,一些社会名流,达官政要竟然涉及集团罪行。Ican hardly believe that some socialites and dignitaries are involved in syndicated crime.

十年之前,不论来自穷国还是富国,彼时之政要,皆许下将在2015年时共建一个更加美好世界之愿景。Ten years ago, leaders of rich and poor countries pledged to build a better world by 2015.

联合国秘书长特别顾问普拉希米、美国副总统切尼、塔吉克斯坦总理阿济洛夫等50多个国家和国际机构的政要出席了隆重而简短的活动。Vice President Cheney and Tajiki Prime Minister Akilov attended the short yet grand event.

戴秉国副部长在日本期间还会见了10来位日本政府官员和政要。Deputy Foreign Minister Dai Bingguo met with a dozen of Japanese officials and politicians.

在这个问题上,政要们不仅展现他们的胆小,还有许多民众的不满情绪。In this, the politicians display not only their own timidity but also the mood of many voters.

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同时拍卖的还有其它一些名人、记者和政要的纪念品和与他们单独交流的机会。Other mementos of and meetings with celebrities, journalists and politicians were up for sale.

外国政要和外交官将坐在婚礼高坛的正南方。Foreign dignitaries and diplomats will sit in the South Transept which is directly to the side.

早些时侯的抓拍包罗万象,包括万人坑,军事基地,和名人政要的水滑梯。Earlier catches include everything from mass graves to military bases to a bigwig's water slide.

早些时侯的抓拍包罗万象,包括万人坑,军事基地,和名人政要的水滑梯。Earlier catches include everything from mass graves to military bases to a bigwig’s water slide.

摄像机蜂拥而至巴格达作为护卫队护送一名受到暗害的伊拉克政要。Video cameras were rolling in Baghdad as a convoy escorting an Iraqi governor came under attack.

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意大利是贾布里勒欧洲外交之旅的第二站,之前他在巴黎和法国政要举行了会谈。Jibril was on the second stop on a European diplomatic tour, after meeting French leaders in Paris.

贝纳通集团的内部传媒机构Fabrica在没有征得各国政要同意的情况下就篡改了他们的照片。Benetton's in-house communications agency Fabrica doctored the leaders' pictures without their permission.

政要和亲属在祭奠典礼上为受北韩攻击而丧生的两名海军献上鲜花。Dignitaries and relatives laid white flowers at an altar for the two marines killed in the North's attack.