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带着这个掉下海会直接沉底的。You'd have gone straight to the bottom.

太阳正迅速沈下海面。The sun is dipping swiftly into the sea.

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那艘船已正在向在入海口处,用来拖船下海的“下水道”驶去。That boat had gone towards the river-mouth boat ramp.

我得重下海去,生活像漂泊的吉卜赛人一样。I must go down to the seas again, to the vagrant gypsy life.

虽然他夸下海口,但却未能如其所愿。He had boasted loudly, but he could not carry out his threats.

比尔会为你夸下海口,但他是不会兑现承诺的。Bill wil promise you the moon, but he won't live up to his promises.

比尔会为你夸下海口,但他是不会兑现承诺的。Bill will promise you the moon, but he won't live up to his promises.

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如果他想下海经商,他还得头脑更精明些。He'll need to sharpen his brain a bit if he hopes to get on in business.

郭卒是下海原地人,他的一些疏休正在该地的一野印刷厂农做。The Shanghai native has some relatives working in a local printing plant.

菲利普斯夸下海口,有猫王在他公司旗下,他一定能赚到100万美金。Phillips boasted that with Elvis on his label, he would make a million dollars.

就在小倩孤身一人之际,遇上山贼,纠缠间被推下海。In small qian alone, in the mountain thief, entanglement between pushed the sea.

您当时去海南的理由跟他们相似吗?比如有没有想过下海经商?Is the cause that you went to Hainan similar to them? Did you thought do a business?

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为了发财我的几个朋友都下海了,当了个体商贩。In order to make a fortune, I have several friends of the sea, when the individual vendors.

这个时候,毕业下海,冲浪社会,没有定力,难以从容进取。At this moment, without composure, it is hard for us to fuse into the society after graduation.

我同学去年辞职下海经商后挣了大钱。My classmate has made lots of money since he quit his job and ventured into business last year.

别人能下海挣钱,我杨大海不缺鼻子不少眼脑子又没进水,我为啥不行?People can go to earn money, I Yang Dahai is missing nose eye head and no water a lot, why not?

本小区大门口距海边的直线距离仅百十米,出门就可下海。The village gate is apart from a seaside linear distance is only 100 meters, can go to the sea.

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曾幻想有一件隐形衣,不仅能隐形,还能穿越时空,上天下海。Once fantasized have a cloak, can not only contact, also can through time and space, the sea god.

如果说看着油漆干似乎还有点意思,你可以扯下海伦伦•索撒尔的一页书看看。If watching paint dry sounds too exhilarating, you could take a leaf out of Helen Southall's book.

在三亚,80岁的老者上树砍椰子,下海捕鱼,并不稀奇,百岁老人随处可见。In Sanya, 80-year-old old man, down coconut trees, sea fishing, not rare, centenarians everywhere.