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这一次我们只唱谱子。Let's sing the music only this time.

好的,到这里来,看一下谱子Okay. Come on up here. Take a look at this.

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看一下这个谱子,我们一起来Take a look at this. We're going to do it together.

我总觉得那莫老头不怎么靠谱子!I all feel how that Mo age male doesn't rely compose son!

大家甚至不需要看谱子就可以猜出来You don't even have to see the score. You can figure it out.

我大致记得,第一页的谱子Okay. I was sort of trying to remember the first page of the missing music there.

当我作曲时,我仅仅把谱子写在纸上,几乎不用任何乐器。When I compose I just write the score on a piece of paper, rarely do I use a musical instrument.

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因些古典吉他手在演奏知名的谱子时,要用谱子所标的调弦。Thus, classical guitarists performing known transcriptions are assumed to be using defined tunings.

你可以在谱子上增加一个高音或一个低音,从而使每个手指可变换不同的位置。You may add a sharp or flat to any of the notes, thereby creating different situations for each finger.

不过,在刚开始学习一支曲子时,尽量按照谱子来吹奏,然后再去试着为曲子增加一些变化。Try to follow the tab exactly the first time you play a tune, then introduce small variations to the tune.

的确,乐师们要遵循一系列的乐谱,这些谱子又叙述了某个语焉不详的故事,或者至少是某次心灵情感的旅行。Sure, the musicians follow a set score, which in turn follows a vague narrative, or at least an emotional journey.

跟着本站的课程学习其中的独奏曲,有一点特别值得一提,学习如何扔掉谱子去学习。Follow the blues lessons on the site and learn the solos. In particular, learn how to play them without looking at the tab.

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我看到中国学吉他的同学都看着谱子演奏,在我看来,这样限制了他们的音乐才华。The Chinese guitar students that I have seen all look at scores while they play, and, in my view, this restricts their music.

我更希望我们的会员能丢掉谱子演奏,这也是所有杰出口琴手们所采用的方法。In particular, I want our members to be able to play the music without looking at a score. The is how all great Western harmonica players play.

生活在世界各地的人们,只要懂得了识谱规则,拿到了一张谱子,他就会游刃有余地唱出动听的歌曲来。People from different regions of the world can take a music score and sing songs beautifully without much effort as long as they know the rules of reading the notes.

我们几乎天天听到“MIDI”音乐的声音,大家也经常会拿着自己创作或要演唱的谱子去专业音乐制作室做“MIDI伴奏”。We hear"MIDI"nearly daily music sound, everybody also frequently can take the music score which own create or must sing to go to the specialized music manufacture room to make"the MIDI accompaniment".

我们可以指出,这样的个体,音乐将所有的零碎的部分聚合在了一起,而这样,指挥家拥有整个乐曲的谱子-,就在他或她的面前。And we pointed out, however,that one individual has a--the music that has all of these parts on it--and that, of course,is the conductor who has the full conducting score-- the full score--in front of him or her.