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持续改善实战经验和冲动。Improve the practices and actuation.

从实战中学习。Hong Kong NTO, learn from practicality.

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实战炮火演习结束了。谢谢上帝。The live-fire drill is over. Thank God.

没有可靠的实战经验。No credible, real world combat experience.

实战演习是否能够在商业中占有一席之地呢?Might war games deserve a greater role in business?

在实战中使用魔箭迫击的示范。The teaching of using Elven Magic Missle in battle.

遂昌人英语学习的实战课堂-----英语角欢迎你!SuiChang county true class---EC welcomes all of you!

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遂昌人英语学习的实战课堂-----英语角欢迎你!SuiChang county true class---ES welcomes all of you!

那么,回归4-4-2阵型在实战中意味着什么呢?So what will the switch back to 4-4-2 mean in practice?

一场近乎实战的对立演习开端了。A nearly the opposite of actual combat beginning exercises.

在实战中使用突击走位零射的示范。The teaching of using assault to close near a monster in battle.

桑德尔直接谈到了实战,赚钱,永远不放弃。Sandor spoke directly to practicing, winning, and never giving up.

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由于没有实战经验,我们的海军在很大程度上只能依靠演习。Without tactical experience our navy had to rely heavily on war-gaming.

麦加维教练说,这支新球队的第一次实战是非常困难的。Coach McGarvie says the first practices for the new team were difficult.

一些长年用于拆弹的机器人却一直未见用于实战。Some bots have been defusing bombs for years, but none have seen combat.

尤其是擒敌实战技术,更贴近实际,有极高的训练价值。Especially the practical capture technique is of great value in training.

由于没有实战经验,美国海军在很大程度上只得依靠演习。Without tactical experience the us navy had to rely heavily on war-gaming.

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所以他与石像怪们一起战斗,看着他的训练成果接受实战的考验。So he fought alongside the Gargoyles, and saw his teachings tested by fire.

他通过在市场上的实战经历赢得现在的声誉。He earned his stripes through his practical experience in the actual market.

最后,你拥有了一个渐进增强实战的完美例子。In the end, you have a perfect example of progressive enhancement in action.