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爱是波澜起伏的海洋,我们的灵魂隔海相望!Love is a moving sea, between our soul!

该公园与银行隔街相望/该公园在银行的对面。The park is across the street from the bank.

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北部隔海与俄罗斯相望。Faced with Rassia in the north across the sea.

它们遥遥相望,彼此思念,彼此倾慕。They look and adore each other in the distance.

龟蛇二山隔江相望。Tortoise and Snake Hills face each other across the river.

一个小岛如何横扫隔海相望的大都市?And how could an island wipe out a metropolis an ocean away?

瑞典南部的一座城市,隔欧伦逊海峡与哥本哈根相望。A city of southern Sweden on the Oresund opposite Copenhagen.

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新西兰是澳大利亚以东隔海相望的一个岛屿。New Zealand is an island that lies off the east of Australia.

其雷州半岛与海南省隔海相望。Hainan province is offshore across from the Leizhou Peninsula.

短暂的相望,见到你落泪的娇容,心为你伤碎。Short sea, you see the face of tears, your heart broken injury.

王室墓群隔洹河与皇宫相望。The imperial tombs lie opposite the palaces across Henghe River.

它位于大西洋北部,与欧洲海洋的北海岸隔海相望。It lies in the North Atlantic Ocean off the north coast of Europe.

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唐代渤海政权与日本隔海相望,往来频繁。Bohai regime of Tang Dynasty had a frequent intercourse with Japan.

蛇口工业区位于深圳,与香港隔海相望。Shekou industrial zone is located in shenzhen, and Hong Kong island.

而我们,注定是两条平行线,只能相望,却不能相交。But we, are two parallel lines, can only look, but can not intersect.

星展银行大厦位于陆家嘴金融中心区,与北外滩隔江相望。DBS Mansion is situated on the south bank of Huangpu River, facing the Bund.

每周我们都盼望更接近理想,但总是遥遥相望。Every week we’re getting closer to that ideal but we’re still a long way off.

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美国得克萨斯州最西端一城市,位于与墨西哥胡亚雷斯相望的里奥格兰德。A city of extreme western Texas on the Rio Grande opposite Ciudad Juárez, Mexico.

这个孤单的水手孤身一人来到了与他家乡隔海相望的一个陌生小镇。The lonesome sailor was all alone in a strange town across the sea from his home.

埃尔帕索城美国得克萨斯州最西端一城市,位于与墨西哥胡亚雷斯相望的里奥格兰德。A city of extreme western Texas on the Rio Grande opposite Ciudad Ju? ez , Mexico.