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这个冲击波在发达国家最为强烈。The shockwave was strongest in the developed world.

炎阳冲击波对目标生物或玩家造成3点伤害。Solar Blast deals 3 damage to target creature orplayer.

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他的“冲击波加农炮”出场发射空炮。His Shockwave Cannon wheeled about and exploded raw air.

炎阳冲击波对目标生物或玩家造成3点伤害。Solar Blast deals 3 damage to target creature or player.

这样一旦他达到高潮,释放出的冲击波将惊天地泣鬼神。and once he climaxes, the release will be extra intense.

你能真正目睹由炮口衍展开来的空气冲击波。You could actually see the shockwave zip out of the muzzle.

炸弹爆炸的冲击波震破了这个地区的所有窗户。The blast from the bomb blew out all the windows in the area.

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在爆炸发生后约40秒冲击波才到达我这里。About 40 seconds after the explosion the air blast reached me.

随着每一批新数据的出来,冲击波正在步步逼近。This appears increasingly certain with each new batch of data.

并对冲击波的平面性进行了实验研究。Experimental investigations on shock planarity were carried out.

毁灭权杖的冲击波的施放时间从5秒降至3秒。Reduced cast time of Scepter of Destruction from 5 seconds to 3.

硫磺冲击波对每个生物和玩家造成2点伤害。Sulfurous Blast deals 2 damage to each creature and each player.

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实际上,这两类伤害中超压冲击波尤甚。The overpressure wave is actually the more dangerous of the two.

确实,在通古斯卡爆炸冲击波的范围内的雪中发现硝酸盐的存在。And indeed, nitrates are found in snow around the Tunguska blast.

日本福岛核电站在今年3月的事故为近几年来正在获得力量的核能复兴送去了一个冲击波。renaissance that has been gaining strength in the past few years.

飞机动作可以造成冲击波形态的扭曲。Aircraft maneuvering can cause distortions in shock wave patterns.

目的探讨体外冲击波对投掷伤的治疗作用。Objective To explore the role of ESW in treatment of throwing injury.

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这种冲击波被称为直线弹道式体外冲击波。This shock wave is called rectilinear ballistic extrinsic shock wave.

人们认为,易挥发的化学物质爆炸时产生了冲击波。It's thought that the blast occurred when volatile chemicals exploded.

核爆炸和冲击波摧毁了半径1.5英里范围内的建筑物。Nuclear blast and wind destroyed buildings within its 1.5-mile radius.