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这是素质教育吗?Is it a quality education?

你的管理队伍素质如何?How strong is your management team?

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他具有成为一名好医生的素质。He has the makings of a good doctor.

全面提高法官素质。Improve judges quality all- snidely.

需要培育这些素质。These qualities need to be nurtured.

整个富家公子态,叫素质高!The son of Fujia, called high-quality!

它具有成为热门单曲的素质。It has all the makings of a hit single.

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法官个人素质无人管?Judge individual quality nobody manages?

是培养高素质人才的需要。Is to train high-quality personnel needs.

他具有优秀音乐家的各种素质。He has all the makings of a fine musician.

人员素质和技能问题。The quality of personnel and skills issues.

老师的素质也需要提高。and the teacher needs to be trained better.

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优秀的系统验证测试人员应该具备哪些素质?What makes a good system verification tester?

这是高能力的基本素质之一。This is one of the basics of high performance.

你认为自己具备成为一个项目经理的素质么?Do you think you have what it takes to be a PM?

语文素质的核心是语感。The core of language quality is language sense.

可助喂哺母乳女士增加母乳素质。May improve quality of milk for nursing mothers.

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拥有优秀心理素质的人趋于成功。People who have a great mindset tend to succeed.

要尽快提高我国农村干部的整体素质。Improve the whole quality of the staff in village.

如何建立一支高素质的教师队伍。Ways to have a team of high-qualified instructors.