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冻结的整体。Frozen Wholes.

什么是整体医疗?What Is Holistic Medicine?

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我们是舞伴,是一个整体。We were partners. We were one.

为什么要整体软装设计?Why design software installed ?

那是一种整体性的药物。It's a type of holistic medicine.

它要么以整体形式出现,要么一无所有。It comes as a whole or not at all.

从整体来看,这部小说是一部复调小说。It is as a whole a polyphonic novel.

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整体橱柜设计作品KD做的!KD overall cabinet design work done!

将激励与公司的整体目标相联系Link Incentives to Companywide Goals

整体来看PTA跌势未改。Overall PTA declines are not modified.

听,打对勾,整体对照。Please listen and tick the right words.

则是开发团队释放整体开发潜力的平台。VSTS is for team potential and passion.

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整体声音华丽而细致。Integral voice luxuriant and meticulous.

从整体上复审和商定最终的项目。Chunk up to review and agree the project.

如何把中国视为一个整体?How can China be comprehended as a whole?

强子作用力保持原子核为一整体。The hadronic force holds nuclei together.

在这个整体中,人类显得是如此的卑微。In the midst of this, man seems so trivial.

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中东地区自身就是一个整体系统。The Middle East is like a system by itself.

被子的整体图案设计很别致。The all-over design of the quilt is unique.

该中心整体环月湖而修建。The center is built surrounding Yuehu Lake.