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鼠尾草、薄荷均为药草。Sage and mint are herbs.

妮莎买了哪几种药草?。What kind herbs did Nisha buy?

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首先,你需要一个药草园。First, you need an herb garden.

人们食用药草,牛也一样。People eat herbs, and so do cattle.

我仍旧在寻找最毒的药草。Still I seek the most noxious herbs.

我的王,这些药草来自德尔斐。My lord, these herbs are from Delphi.

清新的迷迭香,青香,凉气,药草。Fresh rosemary, green, cooling, herbaceous.

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这是野花及药草王国所沉思的东西。This the wildflowers and herb kingdoms ponder.

想要干燥欧芹,牛至,罗勒,或其它药草?Want dry parsley, oregano, basil, or another herb?

这种药草可用作蛇咬的解毒药。This herb can act as an antidote against snakebite.

这种药草可以用作被蛇咬后的解毒药。This herb can act as an antidote against snakebite.

药草可以割下来烹调并且留在水中的药草可以继续栽培。Herbs can be snipped for cooking and continue to grow.

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种上药草或者花种,放在窗台上等它长成吧。Plant herb or flower seeds, and put in the windowsill.

将茶包或药草浸泡在热水中一小时。Soak the tea bags or herbs in the hot water for an hour.

美国食品和药物管理局对药草并不加以限制。The Food and Drug Administration does not regulate herbs.

如果你有一种药草园,务必将薄荷。If you have an herb garden, be sure to include peppermint.

黄葵直立生长,一年生或二年生多毛药草。A. moschatus is an erect, annual or biennial, hirsute herb.

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对于她的厨房,让她自己的自定义药草园中,一篮。For her kitchen, make her own custom herb-garden-in-a-basket.

一次游戏周回内,从Skyhold的花园收割50棵药草。Harvest 50 herbs from Skyhold's garden in a single play through.

香菜有一种坚果气味,也是一种对消化有益的药草。Caraway has a nutty smell and is also an herb useful to digestion.