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帮你妆点贫瘠的土地。To fertilize the infertile land.

因为万物都变得不育而贫瘠For all things turn to barrenness

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仅有白雪、碧水、岩石与贫瘠的土壤相伴。just snow, water, rock and scrawny soil.

连续耕作使土壤变得贫瘠。Continuous farming impoverishes the soil.

天堂般的爱会滋润你贫瘠的灵魂。And heavenly love will moisten your arid soul.

我的贫瘠的思想已寒彻我的髓骨。My barren thoughts have chilled me to the bone.

这种衰退让我们的灵性生活变得贫瘠。And this decay impoverishes our spiritual lives.

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这片土地多年来荒芜贫瘠、与世隔绝。For years this land remained barren and isolated.

他们将停止使用这块贫瘠土地,不再种庄稼。They will retire this poor land from agriculture.

这片土壤太贫瘠了,想整个儿施一通肥。Want to manure the whole place over, scabby soil.

由于土地贫瘠而无法耕作。The poorness of the land makes farming impossible.

贫瘠的土地已改成良田。The barren land has been turned into fertile fields.

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倘如你发现她的贫瘠,伊萨卡并没有欺骗你。And if you find her poor, Ithaca has not deceived you.

从前,在一个贫瘠的荒野里住了一只熊和一只公野猪。Once upon a barren moor here dwelt a bear, too a boar.

沙化土地贫瘠,青海贵德脑山乡村。In GuiDe Village of Qinghai, the soil is sandy and poor.

从前,在一个贫瘠的荒野里住了一只熊和一只公野猪。Once upon a barren moor there dwelt a bear, also a boar.

过度耕作而使土壤变得贫瘠参见。Impoverish the soil by overuse . See Synonyms at deplete.

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田里种了庄稼而不施肥,土地很快就会变贫瘠。If land is cropped and not manured , it will soon run out.

南地是一片贫瘠的、没有人烟的可怕荒漠。The Negeb was a barren, terrible desert, a lifeless desert.

土地种上庄稼而不施肥,很快就会变得贫瘠。The land is cropped and not manured , it will soon run out.