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他们正在开会。They're at a meeting.

他约好了开会时间不来。He blew off the meeting.

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内阁定期开会。The cabinet meets regularly.

记住,今天全体职员要开会的。Big staff meeting today, kiddo.

国会开会之地点。The place where Congress meets.

他知道开会时间。He knew the time of the meeting.

但是大家一直进入不了开会的状态。But you are slow getting started.

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我们来定一个时间开会。Let fix the time for the meeting.

俱乐部将于十月开会。The club will convene in October.

他一时疏忽,忘记去开会。He neglected to go to the meeting.

开会时先将作品钉在墙上。Pin ads on the walls for meetings.

我向他们传达了开会的情况。I filled them in on the conference.

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我原以为他知道开会时间。I thought he knew the meeting time.

人不在不代表一定是去开会了。Not every absence is for a meeting.

班委会明天开会。The class committee meets tomorrow.

彼得很早就到开会地点了。Peter arrived early for the meeting.

委员会在市政厅开会。The committee meets in the townhall.

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学生自治会下周要开会。The student council meets next week.

我正在开会,稍后给您回拨电话。I'm in a meeting. I'll call you back.

在开会或者工作的时候做一做屈臂运动。Do arm curls between meetings or tasks