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灰土飘浮于空中。Dust floats in the air.

天空中飘浮着一朵白云。A white cloud floated in the sky.

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空中飘浮着游丝。Gossamer is floating in calm air.

瓦蓝的天空中飘浮着几朵白云。Clouds are floating in the blue sky.

然后微笑地让他们在深海中飘浮。Their boats and smilingly float them

“让我们飘浮,上尉,”莱什说。Let us drift, Lieutenant, " Lash said."

蔚蓝色天空中飘浮着朵朵白云。In the azure sky are some fleecy clouds.

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那个妙香飘浮在森林的空中。That elixir wafted to the sky in the forest.

一只雏鹰在空中飘浮,寻找着自己的家。A chicken hawk floats over, looking for home.

晴空万里的白云飘浮床头。White clouds float on the bed-head in a sunny day.

他的思想这时会平静地飘浮在九天之上。His thoughts floated then serenely in the empyrean.

但你不知道自己飘浮在容器里。But you don't know that you are floating in the tank.

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然后微笑地让他们在深海中飘浮。Their boats and smilingly float them On the vast deep.

啊哈!高高飘浮在中央公园西路上空前。Wowee! Just floating along high above Central Park West.

也许是飘浮在无垠的空中,也许是深埋在广袤的土地里。Probably floating in the sky, or deep down in the vast land.

然后将你的精神集中于升在空中,飘浮回到表面。Then focus your mind on levitating back down to the surface.

虽然短暂,但霍金说自由飘浮“不可思议”。Hawking said it was “amazing” to float free, however briefly.

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肉眼所能看到天灯飘浮的时间大至在25分钟。The naked eye can see the lantern floating time to25 minutes.

只是飘浮在实验室里但体验一模一样。You're floating in the lab. But the experiences are identical.

深秋的天空里,团团白云像弹好的羊毛,慢慢地飘浮着。The autumn sky, clouds like playing good wool, slowly floating.