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西班牙开局,开放,古典防御。Ruy Lopez, Open, Classical defence.

安科纳现在开局成为一个叛军领地。Ancona now starts as a rebel region.

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西班牙开局,柏林防御,开放变例。Ruy Lopez, Berlin defence, Open variation.

泰洛星上也是开局不利。On Tirol, too, things were off to a shaky start.

他以西西里防御的程式开局。His beginning position was stylized Sicily Defence.

这是1934年以来8月份最好的股市开局。It was the best start to August trading since 1934.

我们开局很艰难,结局就更苦逼。We have had a tough start and a bad start with results.

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我在哪里可以在线看电影免费开局充分流?Where can I watch Gambit movie online free full stream?

这一天的开局真不错,这也是我第一次用飞杆钓到旗鱼。A fine start to the day, and my first sailfish on a fly.

在一个谨慎的开局之后,奥维马斯的速度创造出不同。After a cagey opening, Overmars' pace made the difference.

开局很糟糕,我周围有一群带KERS系统的车。It was quite a bad start and then all the KERS cars around me.

德克萨斯州开局有瞭望哨,有一种加强的和防御性的感觉。Texas starts with outposts for a fortified and defensive feel.

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一盘棋可分为开局、中局和残局三个阶段。A chess game consists of opening, mid-game, and endgame stages.

谢杏芳在第二局奋起反击,以5-0打好了开局。Xie revenged in the second game and achieved a good start at 5-0.

这是我以“法律”心态面对社会的狼狈开局。This is my"legal"mentality intheface of society discomposure start.

卡罗莱纳州开局有柳条箱奖励,有一种AOK的尤卡坦半岛富饶经济的感觉。Carolina starts with bonus crates, for that AOK Yucatan uber-econ feel.

本赛季庞贝的开局是球队89年联赛征战史上最差的。This season they made their worst start in 89 years of league football.

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展望2011年,中国将迎来“十二五”规划开局之年。This year, 2011, China will begin to implement the 12th Five Year Plan.

76人在击败休斯顿火箭之前他们开局15连败。The Sixers lost their first 15 games before beating the Houston Rockets.

开局抓7张卡。每回合抓一张。第一个玩家第一回合不抓牌。Opening hand is 7 cards. Draw 1 card per turn. First player doesn't draw.