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敬辞你有预约吗?。Do you have an appointment?

这本书已被预约了.This book has been reserved.

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我的预约号码是2679。My reservation number is 2679.

你接不接受未预约的病人?。A. Do you take walk-in patient?

我需求来唯一预约。I command to do an appointment?.

我要预约挂号!I'd Iike to make an appointment!

它们都是专门预约的。They were all specially ordered.

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我有预约要烫头发。I made an appointment for a perm.

做一个提前预约。Make a preconception appointment.

有预约发型师的吗?An appointment with a hairstylist?

如果他们觉得好,他们就会预约你。If they feel good, they will book you.

名额有限,请即预约!Seats are limited, please reserve now!

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她用预约购货法购买圣诞礼物。She buys her xmas presents on layaway.

预约合同的本质是契约。Precontract is a contract in substance.

我打电话来是要把预约延后.I am calling to postpone my appointment.

我礼拜四有牙医的预约。I have a dental appointment on Thursday.

他只根据预约会客。He will only see visitors by appointment.

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预约安宁,为燥热的心态降温。Let peace tranquilize your restless heart.

预约一名针灸师。Make an appointment with an acupuncturist.

在第一次预约治疗室该怎么办?What will you do on the first appointment?