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数以百万计的采棉人,逐渐形成了蔚为大观的跨越东西的农民工大迁移。Thousands of cotton collectors make a great migration across the east and the west.

湖面上天鹅翩翩起舞,起则如青天飞雪,落则似素锦铺地,震撼人心,蔚为大观!Swan lake, dancing, such as the blue sky from the snow, off the ground like Su-Kam, stirring, !

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关于恢复性司法的理论,国外学者的讨论蔚为大观,并且颇为深刻。About the restorative justice theory, the overseas scholar's discussion presents an impressive sight.

经历了漫长的发展历程,济南菜的品种多达千种以上,加上风味小吃,数量可谓蔚为大观。Through a long course of development, Jinan dish has reached as much as several thousand species, plus flavor snacks, the quantity is enormous.

从营销效率上看,以上这些服务看起来蔚为大观,实际上不过是一些微不足道的堆砌而已。因为从中我们可以看出。In terms of marketing efficiency, all these services might easily sum up to a grand-looking heap of nothingness. Because what we can see from it is.

中国古代咏月诗蔚为大观、源远流长,是中国古代诗的重要组成部分。Ancient Chinese poems singing of the moon which presenting a splendid sight and is of long standing is the important component of Chinese ancient poems.

底层写作是新世纪初中国当代文学创作中涌现出的蔚为大观的小说创作景象。Bottom writing is the novel creation picture which presents an impressive sight at the beginning of the new century in China current literature creation.

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2006年目击了“最令人蔚为大观的中国中央”由中国国度天文杂志主理的名单参加了泰山的南迦巴瓦峰。The year 2006 witnessed the inclusion of Mount Namjagbarwa on the "most breath-taking places in China" list sponsored by the China National Geography magazine.

再回过来说好训人,喜谐谑的富兰克林,可不动声色地使欧洲人相信鲸鱼象鲑鱼那样跳过尼亚加拉瀑布,真可谓蔚为大观。To return to Franklin, this didactically waggish man blandly assured English readers that it was grand to see the whales leap like salmon up the falls of Niagara.

再回过来说好训人,喜谐谑的富兰克林,可不动声色地使欧洲人相信鲸鱼象鲑鱼那样跳过尼亚加拉瀑布,真可谓蔚为大观。To return to franklin, this didactically waggish man blandly assured english readers that it was grand to see the whales leap like salmon up the falls of niagara.

驱车百里,扶老携幼,街谈巷议,经久不息的谢幕掌声,蔚为大观,宛若中国文化的一次盛大庆典。Drove Barry young and old, town talk and unremitting applause for the curtain call, could fill volumes, just like in a grand celebration of Chinese culture. The U.

然而由于政策制度、资金技术等各方面的限制,“第六代”电影在国内尚未蔚为大观。However, due to policies and systems, capital and technology and other constraints, the film of "the Sixth Generation" in home haven't yet presented a splendid sight.

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同时,五色之说也深入民间,化为民俗,蔚为大观,广泛传布,成为民众的一般知识背景和思维模式。At the same time, the theory of "five colors" was embedded among common people, and became their custom and was widely spread as people's common sense and common thinking mode.

新的服务器威力如此之大,电耗降低如此之多,哪怕经济增长还没有形成势头,这个投资回报的蔚为大观不用脑子也看得见。The new servers are so much more powerful and use so much less electricity that the payback on the investment -- even if economic growth doesn't pick up -- makes the buy a no-brainer.

首先,元代社会环境和文化氛围的变化,使梅兰竹菊题画诗的创作蔚为大观。First, the Yuan Dynasty social environment and the cultural atmosphere's change, causes Plum orchid bamboo Chrysanthemum the poem for painting the creation to present an impressive sight.

他是在前人的基础上再加上个人不懈的努力,使七律这一诗体在内容和形式的双重坐标中终于蔚为大观,其功绩永远不可磨灭。He was standing on the basis of former plus personal excellence unremitting efforts, make this a verse in the content and form of double coordinates of the merit, finally categorized will never fade.